西蒙,简和巴尼,由他们的神秘大叔征召,到达一个小海滨城镇,收回邪恶黑暗势力偷走的无价金色的沙龙。 他们起初并没有意识到另外一个男孩所提供的帮助的奇怪的力量,他们寻找这个谜团的时候,发生了一系列令人沮丧的,有时是危险的事情……
Simon, Jane, and Barney, enlisted by their mysterious great-uncle, arrive in a small coastal town to recover a priceless golden grail stolen by the forces of evil -- Dark. They are not at first aware of the strange powers of another boy brought to help, Will Stanton -- nor of the sinister significance of the Greenwitch, an image of leaves and branches that for centuries has been cast into the sea for good luck in fishing and harvest. Their search for the grail sets into motion a series of distubing, sometimes dangerous events that, at their climax, bring forth a gift that, for a time at least, will keep the Dark from rising.