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The Tombs of Atuan地海古墓有声读物PDF+MP3百度云免费下载

2021年09月15日 16:27 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:亲亲宝贝网 阅读次数:0
本文分享的是A Wrinkle in Time时间的皱褶电子档PDF+MP3百度云资源,无需解压,可直接下载阅读和聆听,纽伯瑞大奖获奖作品。




在“Earthsea”系列的第二部小说中,Tenar被选为地球古代和无名氏大国的大祭司,一切都是从她家,家庭,财产,甚至是她的名字中夺取的。她现在被称为阿哈。一位巫师Ged Sparrowhawk来到这个坟墓,寻找隐藏着的最大的宝藏,即Erreth-Akbe之戒。 Tenar的职责是保护戒指,但Ged拥有Tenar从未知道的世界的魔法和故事之光。泰纳尔会从一切已经成为她的领域的黑暗中逃脱吗?


WHEN YOUNG TENAR is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless Powers of the Earth, everything is taken away -- home, family, possessions, even her name. For she is now Arha, the Eaten One, guardian of the ominous Tombs of Atuan. While she is learning her way through the dark labyrinth, a young wizard, Ged, comes to steal the Tombs' greatest hidden treasure, the Ring of Erreth-Akbe. But Ged also brings with him the light of magic, and together, he and Tenar escape from the darkness that has become her domain. With millions of copies sold, Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle has earned a treasured place on the shelves of fantasy lovers everywhere. Complex, innovative, and deeply moral, this quintessential fantasy sequence has been compared with the work of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, and has helped make Le Guin one of the most distinguished fantasy and science fiction writers of all time. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

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