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2020年08月26日 15:47 出处:亲亲宝贝网 作者:JXL 阅读次数:26
本文给大家分享三个英文原版绘本动画,分别是《The Dot - 点》、《Amazing grace - 神奇的格雷斯》、《Brave Irene - 勇敢的艾琳》,mkv格式,直接下载到百度网盘就可以观看了。




本文给大家分享三个英文原版绘本动画,分别是《The Dot - 点》、《Amazing grace - 神奇的格雷斯》、《Brave Irene - 勇敢的艾琳》,mkv格式,直接下载到百度网盘就可以观看了。


Brave Irene - 勇敢的艾琳

This is a cute story about a young girl with a mission not unlike that of

Red Riding Hood but the weather is the wolf and she nearly doesn't make it.

Amazing grace - 神奇的格雷斯

An amazing girl...an amazing book...and now amazing paper dolls!Grace can do or be anything

she wants to be! Now Grace's aspirations come to life with paper dolls that make it possible for

children -- and adults --

The Dot - 点

Vashti is a girl who says she cannot draw. When she tells her teacher, she says to "make a mark and see where it takes you."

Vashti draws a dot on her paper, and her teacher then says "now sign it." The next week she is surprised to see her dot framed

on display in the teacher's office. Seeing her dot, she says "I can make a better dot than that." She then starts drawing elaborate,

colorful dots and realizes she is indeed an artist.


