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  • Sam and Lucky 58 No Dogs Allowed Again!音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Sam and Lucky 58 No Dogs Allowed Again!音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 I told the lifeguard we were sorry. Why do we have to leave the beach? The beach is too crowded for dogs today. It's okay, Sam. We can get ice cream instead. Ice cream! Can Lucky get some ice cream too? Of

  • Meet the Animals 47 Ostrich音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Meet the Animals 47 Ostrich音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hi there! Who are you? l'm an ostrich. l'm the biggest bird in the world. Whese do you live? We live in Africa. We like the savanna and the desert. Do you have wings? Yes. We have wings. But we

  • Bird and Kip 31 Kip's Birthday音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Bird and Kip 31 Kip's Birthday音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "I can't wait," said Bird. "Kip is going to be so surprised." It was Kip's birthday. Bird was planning a surprise party. It was going to be at the pond. Everyone in the park was invited. Bird flew to her nest for

  • Tire Town School 17 Tag音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Tire Town School 17 Tag音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Poppy raced over to Dipper. "Tag!" said Poppy."You're it!" Eddy and Jeb laughed. The friends were playing tag. Poppy drove away fast. Dipper shot toward Eddy. "Watch out, Eddy!" said Dipper. “I'm it!"

  • Dino Buddies 2 Stuck!音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Dino Buddies 2 Stuck!音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Rex ran over to the dinosaur. "I can help you," Rex said. "Thanks!" the dinosaur said. "My name is Sid." Rex smiled.“"I'm Rex." Rex looked at Sid's tail. The spike was stuck deep. "Cool tail!" Rex said.

  • Bird and Kip 18 A Big Loud Friend音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Bird and Kip 18 A Big Loud Friend音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Kip walked along the sidewalk. "Goose is Bird's friend," he said. "She's not my friend. She's too big and too loud." Just then Kip saw something. A cat was sitting on a window ledge. "Meow!" said the cat. "

  • Wacky Ricky 87 Just Like Old Times音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Wacky Ricky 87 Just Like Old Times音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 This is my new neighborhood. It looks really nice, Brenda. I come here after school. This is just like old times. Do you miss our neighborhood? Sometimes. But I like it here too. Hey, guys,watch this. Ricky

  • Bird and Kip 19 A Bunch of Sticks音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Bird and Kip 19 A Bunch of Sticks音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bird was reading a book in her nest. Kip came up the tree. He was carrying a bunch of sticks. "Good morning, Bird," said Kip. "Good morning, Kip," said Bird. Kip went back down the tree. Then he came up the tree

  • Dino Buddies 29 The Rock Tower音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Dino Buddies 29 The Rock Tower音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "I hope this doesn't fall," Rex said. He was making a rock tower. It was getting tall. Sara ran over. "Hey, Rex!" Rex was surprised. His arm bumped the tower. The rocks fell. Rex sighed. "Sorry,

  • Single Stories 35 Dark Cloud音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Single Stories 35 Dark Cloud音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Here come the dark clouds. Here comes the wind. Here comes the lightning. BOOM! BOOM! Here comes the thunder! Here comes the rain. The horse goes to the barn. 乌云来了。 风来了。 闪电来了。 轰

  • In the Kitchen音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    In the Kitchen音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 The farmer's wife went into the house. Tom jumped onto the window. He looked into the kitchen. The farmer's wife had more milk. She poured it into a tall pot. Then she left. Tom licked his lips. He leaned c

  • Bird and Kip 22 The Hottest Day Ever音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Bird and Kip 22 The Hottest Day Ever音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 The sun was high in the sky. And it was very hot. "Ugh! It's so hot today," said Bird. "This is the hottest day ever!" said Kip. "Let's go to the beach," said Bird. "We can cool off in the water." The two friends

  • Single Stories 18 Dinosaurs音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Single Stories 18 Dinosaurs音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 This one has a small head. This one has a big mouth. This one has a long tail. This one has large wings. This one has sharp horns. This one has a long neck. This one has tiny arms. But it has huge teeth! “A

  • Tire Town School 47 Recess Race音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Tire Town School 47 Recess Race音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 It was time for recess. Eddy drove onto the parking lot. “Hey, slowpoke!” Zippy yelled. Zippy took off. "Grr!" said Eddy. He raced after the bully. Poppy was waiting for Eddy. But Eddy didn't see her.

  • The Big Green Forest 22 I Am Tall音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    The Big Green Forest 22 I Am Tall音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 I am tall. I am taller than you are. No, I am taller! I am the tallest. Well, I am strong! I am stronger than you are. I am strong too. I am also stronger than you are. No, I am the strongest. I

  • Bat and Friends 8 No Luck!音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Bat and Friends 8 No Luck!音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bat was sad. He liked the barn. He liked Cow and Pig and Cat. But they did not like Bat. They did not want to play with him. "If I am a cow," said Bat, “Cow will play with me." "Cow will be my friend."

  • Tire Town School 48 Poppy Is Mad音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Tire Town School 48 Poppy Is Mad音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Eddy raced after Poppy. "Poppy, wait!" he cried. Eddy shot in front of her. "Let's practice now!" he said. "No!" said Poppy. Poppy backed up fast. She tried to go around Eddy. TLE TOWK SCHOOL Ed

  • Tire Town School 23 The Slippery Racetrack音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载
    Tire Town School 23 The Slippery Racetrack音频+视频+电子书百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Zippy drove toward the tree. He slammed on his brakes. But the racetrack was slippery. Zippy slid. He tried to turn. "Oh no!" cried Zippy. "I'm going to hit the—" Bam! Zippy's side banged into the tree.

  • 小公主苏菲亚第二季第28集中文版免费视频下载

    适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文分享的是小公主苏菲亚第二季中文版第28集好朋友克莱奥视频资源,mkv格式,国语发音,无字幕,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 《小公主苏菲亚第二季》是由Larry Leichliter导演的一部美国动画片,讲述一个平凡女孩经过一系列奇特的经历慢慢学习成为一个真正的公主的故事。 本系列动画片让小朋友明白,通过努力学习,可以成为真正的公主,了解内在美比外表更为重要。同时,在皇家预备学院里,三位神仙教母教会苏菲亚成为新世代小公主所需的品质。 剧情简介: 苏菲亚生长在一个平凡的家庭,直到她的母亲嫁给国王之后,苏菲亚就成为了皇室的一员。在蓝天仙子、翡翠仙子及花拉仙子的帮助下,苏菲亚必须参加皇家预备学校,学习如何成为一个真正的公主。而从皇家预备校的课程中,小公主苏菲

    标签: 动画片早教
  • 小公主苏菲亚第二季第4集小秘密中文版免费下载

    适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文分享的是小公主苏菲亚第二季中文版第4集小秘密视频资源,mkv格式,国语发音,无字幕,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 《小公主苏菲亚第二季》是由Larry Leichliter导演的一部美国动画片,讲述一个平凡女孩经过一系列奇特的经历慢慢学习成为一个真正的公主的故事。 本系列动画片让小朋友明白,通过努力学习,可以成为真正的公主,了解内在美比外表更为重要。同时,在皇家预备学院里,三位神仙教母教会苏菲亚成为新世代小公主所需的品质。 剧情简介: 苏菲亚生长在一个平凡的家庭,直到她的母亲嫁给国王之后,苏菲亚就成为了皇室的一员。在蓝天仙子、翡翠仙子及花拉仙子的帮助下,苏菲亚必须参加皇家预备学校,学习如何成为一个真正的公主。而从皇家预备校的课程中,小公主苏菲亚渐渐了

    标签: 动画片早教