资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "Let's race!" Zippy said. He zoomed off. Eddy drove fast. He zipped around a bend. Eddy saw Zippy. Zippy was reading another sign. Everyone else stopped. "What does the sign say?" Gasser asked. "It sa
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Brian, are you okay? I think so,but that hurt. What do those bullies want? I don't know. But let's get ready. Are you ready, Ricky? Snowball fight! Spike, are you okay? Who threw that? You are in big
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Mrs. Tiggywinkle saw some potato soup. She put it on the table. "Cousin, eat this soup," she said. “You must get well." "That is Simpkin's lunch," the tailor said. "He is my friend. He went to buy buttons for thi
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 This is my paintbrush. I have some paint. This is my pencil. I have a sketchbook. This is my red hat. I have an easel. This is my beautiful painting. Who am I? I am an artist. 这是我的画笔。 我有一些
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bat watched from the apple tree. Cow watched from the henhouse. Pig watched from the tractor. Cat watched from the windmill. At last the fox came. It looked all around. Then it went to the henhouse. "Now!"
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Eddy looked at the new bridge. "Oh boy!" he said. He drove closer . Eddy looked up. He saw clouds. Then Eddy looked down. The ground was far below. There was a river. It looked tiny. Eddy gulped
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 One balloon. Two balloons. Three balloons. Four balloons. Five balloons. Six balloons. Seven balloons. Eight balloons. Nine balloons. Ten balloons. 一个气球。 两个气球。 三个气球。 四个气球
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bird lived in a perfect tree. "I love my tree," she said. "It's in a nice quiet park. And I can see the ocean." One day Bird was sleeping. Boom! Bonk! "What made that sound?" asked Bird. Bird looked up, but
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Yikes! Who are you? l'm a hammerhead shark. Hammerhead sharks are big fish. Where do you live? Hammerhead sharks live in the ocean. We swim in deep water. And sometimes we swim close to land. Your hea
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 It's Saturday, everyone. Here is a list of chores. Chores!? I hate chores. Today will be different, Ricky. Today you will get an allowance. What's an allowance? It's money that you earn by doing chores. I w
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "Wake up, Farmer!" yelled Farmer's wife. "You have work to do!" Farmer's wife was not happy. Farmer was napping again. Cow was not napping. She was hooping. She was getting ready for the contest. She hoo
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Jack! We need your help. No, you were mean to me. You closed my mouth! But you were going to eat us! I was only trying to scare you.I don't like eating birds and cats. Yuck! Jack, please help us. l'll give you whatever
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Halloween is my favorite holiday. Boy! Ricky sure takes a long time! He is almost ready. Wow, Ricky!You are really shiny! My name is Zim.I am from the planet Zoron. Good costume, Ricky. Let's go trick-or-treating
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Where's Maxie? Maxie is under the bed. I am scared.Where's the magic marker? It's on the bed. Let's go to the supermarket. Please, help me. Where is my dog? It's next to the boxes. Taco, come back! Su
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Kip had someone to play with. But she didn't talk. "She's just shy," thought Kip. "Let's play hide-and-seek," said Kip. "I'll hide first!" Kip ran and hid behind a bench. But the person didn't find him. She
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 What time is it? It's two o'clock. Hurry up! What time is it? It's three o'clock. The party is at four o'clock. Hurry up, Maxie. Where are the balloons? They are at the store! 现在是几奌? 现在是两点
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Jeremy Fisher was thinking about supper. "I'm sick of eating flies," he said. "I know!" Jeremy said. "I will go fishing. I will catch a minnow for supper!" Jeremy got his pail. He got his fishing rod. Then
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "This stinks," Eddy said. "I don't have a talent!" “Don't be silly," Poppy said. “Think, Eddy," Dipper said. "What do you love to do?" "I like to go fast," Eddy said. Just then Zippy drove over. Zippy laugh
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Taco! Taco! Can you hear me? Are you okay? Maxie? What happened? Where are we? I don't know. But I think we are on land. Are you okay? Yes.Where is Lulu? Well, little kitty and birdie.The zoo only wants the
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Hello, Sam and Tia! We came to meet Sadie's puppies! Here are Sadie's puppies! Can we pet them? Sure. Sadie won't mind. They're so soft! They feel so warm too! That puppy just yapped! That one just st