资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Let's draw! I'm drawing a purple house. I'm drawing an orange car. I'm drawing a red flower. Oh no! It's raining. Yippie, a blue umbrella! My favorite color is green! My favorite color is blue! 让我们画画吧
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Oh, hello! Who are you? I'm a giant panda. Giant pandas are a type of bear. We're one of the rarest mammals on earth. Where do you live? Giant pandas live in China. We like misty mountain forests. Wha
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 The car went up the track. "We're driving a car!" said Kip. "I don't think I like this," said Bird. The car went higher. Then Bird smiled. "Wow! Look at the ocean, Kip,"said Bird. "And look at those buildings!"
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "I love the beach!" Dipper said. "Me too," Eddy said. "The sun feels warm." "This is boring," Zippy said. "I can't go fast on sand!" The cars were on a field trip. They were at Tire Town Beach. "The water l
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Water splashed. "Yay!" Dipper cheered. Gasser drove through the water again. Splash! "Do it again, Gasser!" Poppy said. Just then Ms. Fender drove over. "Gasser," she said. "Stop that right now!" Gass
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 This is Snowball. I love her. I feed her. I pet her. I play with her. I wash her. I chase her! Come back, Snowball! 这是雪球。 我爱她。 我喂她。 我宠着她。 我和她一起玩。 我给她洗。 我追她! 回
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Sam! You can be friends with a girl! Tia is one of your best friends. She's a girl. But Tia likes riding bikes and playing superheroes. Maybe the new girl will too. Uh ... I don't think so, Mom. I'm baking cookies for
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Can you help me? Yes, I can help you. Help me dig the dirt. Help me move this rock. Help me put it here. Help me move this log. Help me put it here. Help me move these sticks. Help me make a wall.
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bird and Kip were at the circus. "What a great show!" said Bird. "It sure is," said Kip. "I wish I could be in the circus!" Acrobats flew through the air. "That's amazing," said Bird. "I wish I could do that!" sa
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Cat looked all over. Cow looked all over. They did not see anything blue. They did not see anything new. Then Cat saw something. "There it is!" she said. "It is blue and it is new! It is a wagon!" "I
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》第29期父子决裂(音频+中英字幕)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: Vile.Slow. 狠狠地 慢慢地 Racie. 姐姐 Don't "racie" me! You started it. Why don't you tell them the truth? I didn't think so. No one loves me. No one loves me! 别再叫我姐姐 就是你搞的鬼 为什么不把真相说出来 知道你不会 没人爱我 没人爱我 Racie. 姐姐 Iracebeth! 伊瑞瑟贝斯 If you are to be a hatter worthy of the hightopp name... You mu
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "Good morning," Ms. Fender said. "It's time for the talent show!" Dipper spun around in circles. Her music filled the air. Zippy zoomed across the parking lot. "Watch me!" he said. Gasser drove over dirt piles.
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bird's friend, Goose, was visiting. Bird and Goose talked about bird things. "I love flying,"said Bird. "Honk!"said Goose. "We love flying! Honk! Honk!" Kip was not a bird. He was a chipmunk. So he couldn't
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "I heard a monster!" Dipper cried. "Let's get out of here!" "Don't go!" a voice cried. "Who said that?"Eddy asked. "Look!" Poppy said. "Someone is behind that tire pile." A truck peeked out. He had really b
英文动画电影《丛林有情狼》第16期管好我的嘴巴(音频+中英台词)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: Fore! 球来啦 Well, well, well. What do we have here? 看 看 看 这里都发生什么了 I say, we've caught them at quite the bad time. 好像来的不是时候哦 No, I'd say we caught them at a good time. 不对 我们来的正是时候 Indeed, sir. Indeed. 确实如此 先生 What are you doing here? 你俩在这儿干吗 No, the question is what a
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Good morning! Who are you? I'm a groundhog. Groundhogs are big rodents. We're also called woodchucks. Where do you live? We live near fields and meadows. We usually stay close to forests. What do you
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 The sun was up. The sky was blue. Cat said, "I can jump. I can jump over the gate. "Watch me jump!" Bat said,"I can fly. I can fly over the tree. "Watch me fly!" Cow said, "I can walk. I can wal
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 It's time to clean up the blocks. Let's put them in the chest. It's time to clean up the crayons. Let's put them in the box. It's time to clean up the dolls. Let's put them on the shelf. It's time to say good-bye
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Eddy drove fast. "Skidding is bad for tires," he thought. "But it's fun!" Eddy jumped over the dirt hill. Then he skidded far. "Yes!" Eddy cried. Everyone cheered. Eddy drove off again. Zippy followed
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Jan has a pet. Her pet is little. Her pet is blue. Her pet is wet. Jan has a net. She can get her wet pet. She can let it go. Her pet has a jet. Her pet has a vet. 简有一只宠物。 她的宠物很小。 她的