《爱丽丝梦游仙境》第45期疯帽子苏醒(音频+中英字幕)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: I know what this means now. You made it for your father when you were young. A token of your love which you thought he threw away. But he kept it all those years. He kept it. And now he needs your help. I'm so sorry. I thought it was impossible. I should have believed you. 我现在明白了它的意义 你小时候这顶帽子是做给父亲的 这是爱的标志 你以为它被父亲扔了 其实他这些年都留着 一直留
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》第19期时间召见下属(音频+中英字幕)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: Behold. The magnificent grand clock of all time. He is me, and I am he... And all that was or ever shall be. I thought up that poem. 你来看 在你眼前的就是最伟大最华丽的万世之钟 是亦彼也 彼亦是也 听过这首诗吗 Now, remember. Look lively, everyone. 现在要记住 每个人打起精神 Wilkins! Shoulders back, eyes forward. 威金斯 挺胸抬头 向前看 How is my invincible machin
适合年龄: 2岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是小马宝莉第二季英文版全集视频资源,英文版,视频是mkv格式的,一共26集,画质高清,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 内容简介: 故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪的小马为了执行导师宇宙公主给她的任务,与助手斯派克一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的知识,其中她认识了苹果杰克、瑞瑞、小蝶、云宝黛西与萍琪五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶中,各扮演重要的关键元素此后,紫悦便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活。
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 I found a big leaf! Uh-oh! I can't find my leaf. Can you find my leaf? I will find your leaf. I will find your leaf. I found a stick. I found a rock. We did not find your leaf. 我发现了一片大叶子!
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 "Uh-oh," Peter said. "Mrs.Tiggywinkle is gone. What should we do?" "Let's play!" Benjamin said."We can get my kite." Peter shook his head."I can't play yet. Those clothes are still dirty." “We can wash your cloth
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 I want to eat. What do you want to eat? I don't know. Do you eat leaves? No, I don't eat leaves. Do you eat grass? No, I don't eat grass. Do you eat bugs? No, I don't eat bugs. Would you like so
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Let's walk together. Let's walk on the path. Here's a stream. Let's walk in it! Here's a log. Let's walk over it. There's a mountain! Let's walk up it! We're walking up, up, up! Keep walking!
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Bat liked the barn. He liked Cow and Pig and Cat. He wanted to play with them. So Bat flew to Cow. “Will you play with me?" he said. "No!" said Cow."I do not like bats. Please go away!" So Bat left. B
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Sid was walking. He walked through a field. He ate some grass. Sid walked past some trees. He ate some leaves. Then Sid found a berry patch. The berries were big and purple. "Mmm!" Sid said. "Those be
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Let's make something. Let's make something with snow. I will make a snowball. Hmm. I will make a bigger snowball. I can make an arm. I can make an arm too. I can make eyes. I can make a mouth. 让我们做点什么
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 The mice dived into their hole. "They don't like our music," Tor said. Sara nodded.“Let's go somewhere else." Sara, Sid, and Tor walked around. Sara shook her seed pods. Tor played her flute. And Sid slapped his
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 We have many vegetables. Is this a carrot? Yes, it is. Is this cabbage? No, it isn't. It's lettuce. Is this a man? No, it isn't. It's a pumpkin! 我们有很多蔬菜。 这是胡萝卜吗? 是的。 这是白菜吗? 不,不
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 We go here. We go there. Animals are everywhere. We look at this. We look at that. There is so much to look at! We hear these. We hear those. Those must be the hippos! 我们去这里。 我们去那里。
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Kip walked to the beach. It was cold and windy. "I'll find a new friend here," he said. Kip saw two seagulls. "They're friends with each other," said Kip. "They don't want to be friends with me." Kip saw two crab
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》第35期少年时的疯帽子(音频+中英字幕)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: It's nearly six. 就快六点了 Hello. You have a very nice head. 你好 你的头长得真漂亮 Thank you. 谢谢 And a nice head deserves a very nice hat. That's what my father says.He makes the best hats in witzend. Would you like him to make you one? Come on. He can make any hat. A bonnet or boater, dunce hat, fez, a cloche, c
英文动画电影《丛林有情狼》第19期你女儿跑了(音频+中英台词)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: Kate, wake up. Wake up. 凯特 醒醒 快醒醒 Humphrey? Where are we? 汉弗莱 我们到哪儿了 We're... We're in Jasper. 我们... 我们到了贾斯珀 We're home. 我们到家了 Yup. We're home. 是啊 到家了 There's something... There's something... 有些事... 有些事... Please, you first. 你先请 Humphrey, I just wanted t
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 “We're here," Dipper said. "Tire Town Old Cars' Home." It was Saturday. The friends were meeting Dipper's grandma. "This place is nice," Eddy said. "I see a garden," Poppy said. Jeb looked around. "Does thi
资源介绍 小狐狸一共有9个level。这个是level1.Level 2每集只要2-3分钟,非常适合刚启蒙的学龄前儿童,就算一次看10集也才半小时不到,约等于一集汪汪队。但是能一次看10集这个天文数目对于小朋友来说已经多到可以偷偷笑了。 绘本节选 Pig and Dog were playing catch. "Good throw, Pig," said Dog. "Good catch, Dog," said Pig. "We are a good team." Cat woke up. She saw Pig and Dog playing. "Can I play catch too?" asked Cat. "Okay," said Pig.
适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文分享的是小公主苏菲亚第三季中文版第13集溜冰场之王视频资源,mkv格式,国语发音,无字幕,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 《小公主苏菲亚第三季》,是由萨姆·里格尔导演,由苏菲亚等主演的动漫类型,于2020上映。 本系列动画片让小朋友明白,通过努力学习,可以成为真正的公主,了解内在美比外表更为重要。同时,在皇家预备学院里,三位神仙教母教会苏菲亚成为新世代小公主所需的品质。 剧情简介: 在一个充满神奇魔法的王国里,住了一个名叫Sofia的小女孩,Sofia在村子里和她的母亲Miranda一起工作干活,过着简单快乐的生活。然而在一个命中注定的日子里,她们被国王罗伦二世召见,罗伦国王与Miranda一见钟情,于是他们很快便结了婚。而Sofia也跟着妈妈搬到了城堡,
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》第41期时间追上Alice(音频+中英字幕)百度网盘免费下载 原文视听: Higgens. Highbottom. Not here yet. 海更斯 海博顿 还不是这里 No hightopps. They're alive. 没有海托普 他们还活着 Your foolishness... Astounds me. You have no conception of how reckless...You have been. The dangers that you have caused. 你真是愚蠢至极 让人吃惊 你根本不知道你的所作所为有多么鲁莽 胆大妄为 不知道你造成的危险会产生怎样的后果 What are we going to do? Quick! W