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  • raz Z1级阅读Private Spaceships绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载
    raz Z1级阅读Private Spaceships绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

    适合年龄 12岁左右 绘本简介 Have you ever dreamed of traveling to space? That dream is now accessible to more people than it's ever been. Private Spaceships describes the recent shift toward a new era of private space flight. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine an author's purpose for writing and the proper use of adjectives. The book and lesson are also available

  • raz Z1级阅读Roots of Rap绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载
    raz Z1级阅读Roots of Rap绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

    适合年龄 12岁左右 绘本简介 Rap music arose from the streets of New York City in the 1970s. Roots of Rap guides readers through the early history of rap music: from its origin at a young girl's block party, to an explanation of the four "pillars" (key elements) that define hip hop. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine an author's purpose for writing and the proper

  • 廖彩杏书单48周第二本英文绘本The Blue Balloon资源免费下载
    廖彩杏书单48周第二本英文绘本The Blue Balloon资源免费下载

    资源简介: 廖彩杏,她是台湾三大英文绘本阅读讲师、“廖彩杏书单”制定者、“英文有声书学习法”创始人。是儿童英语启蒙圈内教母级人物。是台湾政治大学语文学系学士,中正大学外文研究所硕士。曾任英语教师,在2011—2015年台湾英语教师学会主办的ETA论坛中担任演讲者。 她有一对双胞胎,据说廖彩杏的双胞胎儿女从出生以后,一直在中文环境里接受教育,读的是一般公立幼儿园及小学,还从未上过补习班,仅仅只是按照廖彩杏书单和“英文有声书学习法”一直听英文有声书,就在英语启蒙上取得了惊人的成就。 仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版 10岁能够通读霍金撰写的少年科幻小说 11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。 那么廖彩杏书单就是她在给两个孩子选书的过程,甑选出

  • At School培生英语阅读街幼儿版绘本pdf资源下载
    At School培生英语阅读街幼儿版绘本pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是培生英语阅读街幼儿版K2级别的英文绘本《At School》,翻译成中文名为:在学校,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 培生专注幼儿英语启蒙,在有趣故事的基础上,融入了自然拼读、高频词、常用单词和句型,为孩子轻松学英语打下坚实的基础。 《培生英语·阅读街:幼儿版K2》内容介绍: 1、学习26个字母,正确练习书写 2、拼读26个字母音,建立音形联系 3、掌握40个基础阅读高频词 4、学习35组重点句型 5、认识350个单词 绘本内容翻译: I am Cat. 我是猫。 I am Dog. 我是狗。 I am

  • What Happens When You Flush绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    What Happens When You Flush绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Everyone uses the restroom, but did you ever stop to think what happens to your waste after you flush the toilet? What Happens When You Flush? provides students a comprehensive look at where sewage goes and how it is treated in our communities. A thought-provoking topic and interesting facts will keep students engaged in this book while also giving them a chance

  • 廖彩杏书单49周第一本英文绘本Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type资源免费下载
    廖彩杏书单49周第一本英文绘本Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type资源免费下载

    资源简介: 廖彩杏,她是台湾三大英文绘本阅读讲师、“廖彩杏书单”制定者、“英文有声书学习法”创始人。是儿童英语启蒙圈内教母级人物。是台湾政治大学语文学系学士,中正大学外文研究所硕士。曾任英语教师,在2011—2015年台湾英语教师学会主办的ETA论坛中担任演讲者。 她有一对双胞胎,据说廖彩杏的双胞胎儿女从出生以后,一直在中文环境里接受教育,读的是一般公立幼儿园及小学,还从未上过补习班,仅仅只是按照廖彩杏书单和“英文有声书学习法”一直听英文有声书,就在英语启蒙上取得了惊人的成就。 仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版 10岁能够通读霍金撰写的少年科幻小说 11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。 那么廖彩杏书单就是她在给两个孩子选书的过程,甑选出

  • Miss Rumphius英文绘本翻译及电子版资源下载
    Miss Rumphius英文绘本翻译及电子版资源下载

    适合年龄: 8岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是培生英语分级绘本《Miss Rumphius》,翻译成中文名为:花婆婆,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 绘本内容翻译: The Lupine Lady lives in a small house overlooking the sea. 花婆婆住在海边的一幢小房子里。 In between the rocks around her house grow blue and purple and rose-colored flowers. 房子的四周,开满了蓝色、紫色和粉红色的花儿。 The Lupine Lady is little and old. 花婆婆是我的姨婆,她的年纪很大,个子小小的。

  • raz Y级阅读Robin Hood Wins the Sheriff's Golden Arrow绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    raz Y级阅读Robin Hood Wins the Sheriff's Golden Arrow绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 To protect themselves from the ruling lords who hunted them as outlaws and robbers, Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men lived in hiding deep within the heavily wooded Sherwood Forest.While the conditions of this outdoor life could be difficult, the men felt a strong kinship with the trees, birds, and other animals of their realm. More than a hundred men strong

  • Color Zoo绘本故事内容翻译及pdf资源百度网盘下载
    Color Zoo绘本故事内容翻译及pdf资源百度网盘下载

    适合年龄: 4岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是中英双语绘本故事《Color Zoo》,翻译成中文名为:五彩动物园,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 绘本简介: 彩色的动物园,由十六种颜色和九组形状变化,转换出九种不同的动物:由狮子变山羊、牛变猴子、老虎变狮子。通过丰富的颜色搭配,创意的图形组合,动物与动物之间的神奇转化,轻松地掌握各种形状,拓宽孩子思维。 绘本内容翻译: tiger 老虎 circle 圆形 mouse 老鼠 square 正方形 fox 狐狸 triangle 三角形 square triangle circle

  • raz Z2级阅读The Amazing Brain绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载
    raz Z2级阅读The Amazing Brain绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

    适合年龄 12岁左右 绘本简介 The human brain is an amazing organ. It controls every part of the body, from breathing to writing a symphony. In The Amazing Brain, students will learn how different parts of the brain perform different functions, the methods scientists use to learn more about the body's incredible control center, and most importantly, how to care for their own brains. Student

  • The Mixed-Up Chameleo绘本翻译及电子版百度网盘下载
    The Mixed-Up Chameleo绘本翻译及电子版百度网盘下载

    适合年龄: 4岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是中英双语绘本故事《The Mixed-Up Chameleo》,翻译成中文名为:七彩的变色龙,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 绘本简介: 绘本讲述了一只可爱的小变色龙不断变身的故事,它看到了动物园里各种各样美丽的动物十分羡慕,于是在自己身上拼凑出来各种动物的身体部位希望自己能变得更美丽,可是最后它发现还是做自己最好了! 这本绘本的词汇略微有一些难,涉及到很多动物、形容词及颜色,但是故事的情节非常有意思,相信为孩子认真讲解过后孩子一定会爱上这只可爱的变色龙的! 绘本内容翻译: On a shiny green leaf sat a small green chameleon. 在一片闪亮的绿叶上趴着一

  • raz Z1级阅读Symbiotic Wildlife绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载
    raz Z1级阅读Symbiotic Wildlife绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

    适合年龄 12岁左右 绘本简介 The natural world is full of complex relationships among different kinds of organisms. Symbiotic Wildlife is a nonfiction informational book that looks at how different species interact in ways that benefit each other. The book can also be used to teach students how to compare and contrast information and the proper use of commas in a series. The book and less

  • Totem Poles绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    Totem Poles绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本节选 Native peoples living along the Pacific Northwest Coast have been carving totem poles for hundreds of years. The figures carved on the poles have special meanings and help record the history of some Native peoples. Totem Poles explains how totem poles are created and introduces students to some of the most commonly carved figures. 数百年来,居住在太平洋西北海岸的土著人民一直在雕刻

  • Neighborhood Animals少儿英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Neighborhood Animals少儿英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G1级别Leveled Readers系列绘本中的《Neighborhood Animals》,翻译成中文名为:常见动物,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 High-Frequency Words: a here is Concept Words: bird squirrel butterfly bee rabbit sna

  • Sofia the First英文绘本pdf资源百度网盘下载
    Sofia the First英文绘本pdf资源百度网盘下载

    适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是小公主苏菲亚系列中的绘本《Sofia the First: The Royal Slumber Party》,翻译成中文名为:苏菲亚公主:参加皇家睡衣派对,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 小公主苏菲亚系列讲述的是一个生长在普通家庭的女孩苏菲亚,由于妈妈嫁给了国王,她便成了王室的一员,于是就有了她必须要学习如何变成一名真正公主的一系列让人啼笑皆非的好玩故事。孩子读起来肯定爱不释手。 通过这些故事,孩子可以看到苏菲亚是如何培养并且肯定自己的内在价值,坚持自我信念并且勇于接受各种挑战的。通过阅读这些故事,孩子能更好地理解梦想与自尊、尊重与友善、谦虚与热心这些对孩子未来发展极为重要的品质。 绘本简介: Meet Sofia

  • The Best Easter Eggs Ever英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载
    The Best Easter Eggs Ever英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载

    适宜阅读人群: 5岁左右儿童 绘本节选 Springtime had fnaly come and Easter was almost here. This was a busy time for Easter Bunny, who painted all the Easter eggs himself. Each of Easter Bunnys litle helpers had a specialjiob to do, too. Willa Bunny was in chargeof weaving the Easter baskets. Jellybean Bunny illed them with marshmallow chicks,chocolate,and j

  • Animal Groups英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Animal Groups英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 9岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G2级别Leveled Readers系列绘本中的《Animal Groups》,翻译成中文名为:动物群,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Vocabulary(词汇): amphibian bird camoufl age fish gills insect mammal reptile 绘本内容翻译: Introduct

  • The Steadfast Tin Soldier英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载
    The Steadfast Tin Soldier英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载

    适宜阅读人群: 5岁左右儿童 绘本节选 There was no stopping the boat, though, for the stream ran stronger and stronger. The tin soldier could just see a bright glimpse of daylight far ahead where the end of the tunnel must be, but at the same time he heard a roaring noise which might well have frightened a braver man. Just imagine! At the end of the tunnel the stream thundered down into

  • 团圆绘本故事PPT百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本节选 我远远地看着他,不肯走近。 爸爸走过来,一把抱起我,用胡子扎我的脸。 “妈妈……”我吓得大哭起来。 “看我给你买了什么!”爸爸赶紧去掏他的大皮箱—— 哦,好漂亮的帽子! 妈妈也换上了爸爸买的新棉袄。 能过中饭、爸危对我说:”走,前头去,期了头,明年就会顺顺当当的。” 我呈在椅子上等施西,呀,镜子里的蓝德施来施像以初的能备了! 大年初二,天阴沉沉的、要下常了。一大早,爸爸就忙了越来,补窗户境、豹新门添、换新灯泡… 呀,家里一下子变得亮堂了, “走,补要质去缕!”爸话冲我努了努嘴, 太好了,那儿是妈妈从来不准我一个人上去的地方呢

  • Charlene's Sea of Cortez Journal绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    Charlene's Sea of Cortez Journal绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Charlene's Sea of Cortez Journal is written from the point of view of a young girl making journal entries each day while she is on a cruise in Mexico's Sea of Cortez. She describes the events of her trip, such as snorkeling and swimming with sea lions, kayaking to a beach and building sand castles, and playing with the friends she makes. She also shares stories