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  • 培生英语阅读街幼儿版k3 Old and New绘本MP3+PDF资源免费下载
    培生英语阅读街幼儿版k3 Old and New绘本MP3+PDF资源免费下载

    绘本简介 教材学习场景非常丰富,大多都和孩子的日常生活相关,每本书都是一个独立的内容,视角新颖、简短有趣、图片精美,孩子学起来并不会觉得枯燥。檩子看了每部分的内容,基本上国内的孩子还是可以消化的,建议家长指导孩子一起来学。 低龄阶段的读物大多是故事书,如果家长觉得孩子理解有难度,适当的先用中文讲一遍也未尝不可,但是切记不要用所谓“翻译”的方式,而是用讲故事的方式帮助孩子理解。孩子通过图片和故事来学习会更加有兴趣,学习完之后,也能用讲故事的方式retell(复述)出故事的内容就最好了。一天一到两本,依照孩子的兴趣来选择,科普类和生活类兼顾。 高年级阶段的学习,我们建议家长充分利用教师指导书,指导孩子阅读的时候更加明确。另外,建议这个年级的孩子多一些自主阅读,毕竟自主阅读和亲子阅读的角度是不一样的,如果孩子自己能体会到阅读的乐趣,那就再好不过了。

  • What Happens When You Flush绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    What Happens When You Flush绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Everyone uses the restroom, but did you ever stop to think what happens to your waste after you flush the toilet? What Happens When You Flush? provides students a comprehensive look at where sewage goes and how it is treated in our communities. A thought-provoking topic and interesting facts will keep students engaged in this book while also giving them a chance

  • 点绘本故事PPT百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 《点》的作者是彼德H雷诺兹,彼德H雷诺兹给我们讲述了不自信又有点小叛逆的孩子瓦士缇,老师给予正确的指引教导,让瓦士缇对艺术课产生兴趣并最终获得成功的教育方式。 其实作为家长的我们,清楚的知道有很多孩子都缺乏足够的自信,所以奇妙绘本君希望有更多的孩子能从《点》这个故事中受到启蒙教育,下面就开始今天的分享吧--儿童绘本《点》。 美术课结束了,但是瓦斯蒂还是黏在椅子上不走,她的画纸上一片空白。 瓦斯蒂的老师俯身去看那张白纸。 “啊!一场雪暴中的北极熊,”她说。 “真滑稽!”瓦斯蒂说。“我压根就没画!” 她的老师笑了。“随便画个线或点,看它能指引你去哪。” 瓦斯蒂猛然抓起毡头墨水笔,在纸上潇洒的用力一戳。 “这里!”

  • Guy Fawkes Day绘本PDF+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    Guy Fawkes Day绘本PDF+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 After a foiled attempt to kill King James I in 1605, Guy Fawkes gained infamy in the United Kingdom. The failure of the Gunpowder Plot more than four hundred years ago led to the annual celebration of Guy Fawkes Day, when people celebrate around bonfires with community and family. Guy Fawkes Day offers a detailed look at the life of Guy Fawkes as well as the way

  • The Popcorn Dragon英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载
    The Popcorn Dragon英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载

    适宜阅读人群: 5岁左右儿童 绘本节选 Dexter was a dragon with a green scaly body and a long twisty tail. He had short knobby legs. He had wings like a bat's, which he would be able to fly with when he was older. Like all dragons, Dexter had a hot breath. When he got mad or excited and breathed extra hard, his breath grew extra hot. 德克斯特是一条长着绿色鳞片身体和一条长长的扭曲尾巴的龙。 他有短而多节的腿。 他有像蝙

  • 培生pearson读物Fix It!绘本电子版资源免费下载
    培生pearson读物Fix It!绘本电子版资源免费下载

    资源介绍 美国培生出版的这套低幼幼儿园绘本,本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本。图文并茂,无论是图片或者堪称一流,绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物 Pearson Scott Foresman, Pearson Kindergarden 培生低幼有声读物. 培生集团是国际出版界的巨头。集团在教育、商业信息、消费出版等方面,处于国际领先地位。 本套低幼幼儿园有声绘本全部内嵌真人美音音频,只需点击每句话或单词开头部分的小喇叭图标,就可听见清晰的标准英语朗读.本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本.图文并茂,无论是图片、文字或者声音都堪称一流。绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物。 绘本节选 Dad, can you fix Mom's big box? "Yes, I can," said

  • Robin Hood and the King绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    Robin Hood and the King绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本节选 Robin Hood and his Merry Men lived in hiding in Sherwood Forest . Even though Robin and his band were outlaws, they stole only from the rich and gave the money to the poor . Robin thought the corrupt lords were the real thieves . They ruled the land unjustly while good King Richard was off at war . The wicked lords wanted to hang Ro

  • Meeting Father in Plymouth绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    Meeting Father in Plymouth绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Meeting Father in Plymouth recounts the journey of a seven-year-old girl as she and her family leave england to join their father, who settled in Plymouth five months earlier. Although leaving england was difficult, she remains hopeful that Plymouth will be a good home for them where they will be free to follow their religion. Period illustrations support the te

  • raz Y级阅读India绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    raz Y级阅读India绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 India will show students many interesting aspects of this country, including its fascinating people and their celebrations. From crowded cities to jungles and mangrove forests, students will enjoy learning about this unique country and its culture. 印度将向学生展示这个国家许多有趣的方面,包括其迷人的人民和他们的庆祝活动。 从拥挤的城市到丛林和红树林,学生将喜欢了解这个独特的国家及其文化。 RAZ有严密的分级体系:根据全文词汇数、高频词

  • 培生pearson读物One, Two, Three, Four, Five!绘本电子版资源免费下载
    培生pearson读物One, Two, Three, Four, Five!绘本电子版资源免费下载

    资源介绍 美国培生出版的这套低幼幼儿园绘本,本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本。图文并茂,无论是图片或者堪称一流,绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物 Pearson Scott Foresman, Pearson Kindergarden 培生低幼有声读物. 培生集团是国际出版界的巨头。集团在教育、商业信息、消费出版等方面,处于国际领先地位。 本套低幼幼儿园有声绘本全部内嵌真人美音音频,只需点击每句话或单词开头部分的小喇叭图标,就可听见清晰的标准英语朗读.本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本.图文并茂,无论是图片、文字或者声音都堪称一流。绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物。 绘本节选 One spins. She spins and spins. Two slid.

  • Argentina绘本电子版+MP3百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 As the second-largest country in South America, Argentina is rich with culture and history. Engage students with fascinating information about this amazing place. 作为南美洲第二大国,阿根廷有着丰富的文化和历史。 让学生了解有关这个神奇地方的有趣信息。 绘本节选 Argentina is the second-largest country in South America. It is the eighth-largest country in the world. Five coun

  • The Napping House初级绘本pdf百度网盘免费下载
    The Napping House初级绘本pdf百度网盘免费下载

    The Napping House初级绘本pdf百度网盘免费下载 这本书的文字和插画都可以说是匠心独运。文字上最大的特点就是句子的重复和叠加。这让故事像儿歌一样具有了节奏和韵律感,非常适合大声诵读。有不少儿歌都用到了叠加句的方式,叠加使得歌谣简单又多变。 故事发生在一栋房子里,窗外哗啦啦下着大雨,房里的人和动物都睡得很香。那么这个看似平常的故事究竟有什么吸引人的呢?打开扉页,咦?大家看到了吗?在邮箱的小旗子上,有只会发光的——跳蚤!这只跳蚤可是整个故事的关键哦。在进行亲子共读的同时,家长不妨让眼尖的小朋友们找找书中人物和动物在房间里的位置,及他们的睡姿表情的变化。 部分内容: There is a house,a napping house,where everyone is sleeping. 有一间房子,打

  • Ghost Towns绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    Ghost Towns绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Have you ever seen pictures of an abandoned town and wondered what happened there? Ghost Towns provides students a comprehensive look at some of these abandoned towns. Detailed photographs and engaging text will keep students interested in this fascinating topic. The book can also be used to teach students how to identify cause-and-effect relationships as well a

  • 培生英语阅读街幼儿版k2 Winter Fun绘本MP3+PDF资源免费下载
    培生英语阅读街幼儿版k2 Winter Fun绘本MP3+PDF资源免费下载

    绘本简介 教材学习场景非常丰富,大多都和孩子的日常生活相关,每本书都是一个独立的内容,视角新颖、简短有趣、图片精美,孩子学起来并不会觉得枯燥。檩子看了每部分的内容,基本上国内的孩子还是可以消化的,建议家长指导孩子一起来学。 低龄阶段的读物大多是故事书,如果家长觉得孩子理解有难度,适当的先用中文讲一遍也未尝不可,但是切记不要用所谓“翻译”的方式,而是用讲故事的方式帮助孩子理解。孩子通过图片和故事来学习会更加有兴趣,学习完之后,也能用讲故事的方式retell(复述)出故事的内容就最好了。一天一到两本,依照孩子的兴趣来选择,科普类和生活类兼顾。 高年级阶段的学习,我们建议家长充分利用教师指导书,指导孩子阅读的时候更加明确。另外,建议这个年级的孩子多一些自主阅读,毕竟自主阅读和亲子阅读的角度是不一样的,如果孩子自己能体会到阅读的乐趣,那就再好不过了。

  • Antarctic Adventures培生英语幼儿版绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Antarctic Adventures培生英语幼儿版绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 3-6岁 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是培生英语阅读街幼儿版K3级别的英文绘本《Antarctic Adventures》,翻译成中文名为:南极探险,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 阅读街系列不仅插画画面丰富多彩,还在英语学习的基础上,设置了“找一找”小游戏,引导孩子像小侦探一样进行探索发现 《培生英语阅读街:幼儿版K3/美国幼儿园语言启蒙教材》内容介绍: 1、掌握30个基础阅读高频词 2、练习36组句型,每册重点学习1个句型 3、认识230个概念认知词(Concept Words) 4、培养孩子对事物的认知能力 绘本内容翻译: I see water. 我看见水。 I see ic

  • The Hunting Trip绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    The Hunting Trip绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 In the book The Hunting Trip José goes on his first hunting trip with his father. While waiting for his quarry, José gets a lesson in patience and wisdom. He also learns about the special relationship his father sees between animals and hunters. This book is full of rich, descriptive language and can be used to teach students how to analyze characters and to mak

  • Día de los Muertos绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    Día de los Muertos绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Dia de los Muertos is an informational nonfiction book that explains a traditional celebration that has taken place in Mexico for thousands of years. In many parts of the world, people continue to hold celebrations around November 1 and 2 to honor people who have died. It is a time of happiness and joy, when loved ones are remembered, honored, and celebrated. Ph

  • RAZ Poetry Books Just the Wind绘本PDF+MP3百度云免费下载
    RAZ Poetry Books Just the Wind绘本PDF+MP3百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 RAZ知名度应该很高了,就不多过介绍,这套资源是reading room分类里阅读量最高的TOP50,这些绘本均为高清PDF,还一起整理了配套的MP3音频文件,无论是提升孩子英文写作能力还是英语阅读能力,都是非常不错的课外读物。 绘本节选 The still air stirs and begins to blow. It swirls and whirls both to and fro. It blows through the woods and through the trees. It blows quite hard when elephants sneeze. It blows over wheat fields shimmering gold. It

  • 培生pearson读物Pop! Pop! Pop!绘本电子版资源免费下载
    培生pearson读物Pop! Pop! Pop!绘本电子版资源免费下载

    资源介绍 美国培生出版的这套低幼幼儿园绘本,本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本。图文并茂,无论是图片或者堪称一流,绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物 Pearson Scott Foresman, Pearson Kindergarden 培生低幼有声读物. 培生集团是国际出版界的巨头。集团在教育、商业信息、消费出版等方面,处于国际领先地位。 本套低幼幼儿园有声绘本全部内嵌真人美音音频,只需点击每句话或单词开头部分的小喇叭图标,就可听见清晰的标准英语朗读.本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本.图文并茂,无论是图片、文字或者声音都堪称一流。绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物。 绘本节选 Pam, Tim, and Ron have a kit. It is a flower kit.

  • The Stanley Cup Hockey's Greatest Prize绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    The Stanley Cup Hockey's Greatest Prize绘本电子书+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Every year, hockey fans from around the world anticipate the battle for hockey's greatest prize: the Stanley Cup. The road to the Stanley Cup is long and difficult but is well worth it for fans and players alike. The Stanley Cup has a long-standing tradition rooted in Lord Stanley of Preston's inspiration upon seeing his first hockey game in 1889. For more than