适合年龄 0-2岁 资源节选 Pool Pals Gabi wears goggles. She's ready to swim. She and her daddy slowly step in. See Gabi float! Water splashes her nose. Swish! Like a fish to Mommy she goes. 泳池好朋友 加比戴着护目镜。 她准备好游泳了。 她和她爸爸慢慢地走了进来。 见加比漂浮! 水溅到她的鼻子上。 嗖嗖嗖! 像鱼一样 她去妈妈那里。
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Baseball is known as America's pastime, and many people enjoy playing and watching this sport. But, did you know there was a time when black athletes were not allowed to play on the same teams as white athletes? Jackie Robinson tells the story of the man who changed that. Detailed photographs and engaging text will keep students interested in this important part
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 As the largest birds in the world, Ostriches are already unique. But do you know that they have the largest eyes of any land animals and that their kicks can kill! Students will be captivated by these feathered beasts. Maps and interesting photographs support the text. 作为世界上最大的鸟类,鸵鸟已经是独一无二的。 但是您知道吗,它们的眼睛是陆地动物中最大的,而且它们的踢腿可以杀死人! 学生们会被这些长着羽毛的野兽所吸引。 地图和有趣的照片支持
适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 《胡萝卜种子》这个绘本故事是一个关于坚持和自信的故事。可以帮助孩子如何在生活中建立自信心和坚守自己的信念的。故事情节不复杂,文字也不多。非常简单的线条勾勒出的画面,小男孩执着的表情、神态刻画得非常清晰。 每个孩子的心里都珍藏着一个梦想的种子,无论家长们觉得这个梦想有多么幼稚,都请尊重孩子的每一个想法,即便在你们眼里它只是一个可笑的想法。看着种子慢慢地成长,结出果实,这个过程带给孩子坚守信念的力量,是任何话语都无法代替的。 绘本故事 一个小男孩种下 一颗胡萝卜种子。 他的妈妈说, “这颗种子 恐怕不会发芽。” 他的爸爸也说, “它恐怕不会发芽。”
资源介绍 美国培生出版的这套低幼幼儿园绘本,本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本。图文并茂,无论是图片或者堪称一流,绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物 Pearson Scott Foresman, Pearson Kindergarden 培生低幼有声读物. 培生集团是国际出版界的巨头。集团在教育、商业信息、消费出版等方面,处于国际领先地位。 本套低幼幼儿园有声绘本全部内嵌真人美音音频,只需点击每句话或单词开头部分的小喇叭图标,就可听见清晰的标准英语朗读.本套绘本共分六大部分,共计162本.图文并茂,无论是图片、文字或者声音都堪称一流。绝对是0-6岁低幼儿童不二的英语读物。 绘本节选 This is a home for a wasp. This is a home for a toa
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 The Norse people lived in northern Europe between 700 and 1100 CE, and they had many myths about gods and goddesses living in a sky-world called Asgard. In Stories from Asgard: Norse Myths, students are introduced to some of these classic myths, including the story of how Thor received his mighty hammer. Trickery, battles, and shape-shifting will keep students'
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 From sacred ground to bloody battlefield, the Alamo's history is described in this informative text. The Texas Revolution is highlighted through accounts of the battles and major players, the defeat of Santa Anna, the formation of the Republic of Texas, and Texas statehood in 1845. Photographs, illustrations, and maps support the text. 从神圣的土地到血腥的战场,阿拉莫的历史都
适合年龄 12岁左右 绘本简介 Henry carries the flag in a new charge that dislodges enemy soldiers holding a fenceline. Private Wilson wrenches the enemy flag from a mortally wounded Confederate standard-bearer. As the larger battle winds down, the regiment marches back across the river and Henry reflects upon how the experience of battle has changed him. 亨利带着旗帜进行了新的冲锋,击退了持有围栏的敌军士兵。 大
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 How much do you know about the presidents? Guess That President asks readers to guess the identity of several presidents on the basis of clues and stories about them as children. This book uses a creative mystery format to generate interest in leaders of the United States and presents a chance to teach emergent readers about making inferences and using past-tens
资源介绍 RAZ知名度应该很高了,就不多过介绍,这套资源是reading room分类里阅读量最高的TOP50,这些绘本均为高清PDF,还一起整理了配套的MP3音频文件,无论是提升孩子英文写作能力还是英语阅读能力,都是非常不错的课外读物。 绘本节选 At night, when all the stars are bright, I think about their twinkling light. Tiny diamonds dot the sky. I watch them all and wonder why. Why does my roof of stars appear To be so very, very near When even nearb
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Most people don't think much about the small and slimy earthworm, but worms actually have a big role in our environment. Wiggly Worms teaches students about a worm's body and behaviors, how it helps plants and other animals, and its place in the food chain. Photographs and simple sentences will aid the emergent reader in successful decoding. The book also presen
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Acropolis Adventure is told from a young man's perspective as he and his parents vacation in Greece. He meets Dimitri, an old friend of his father's, who shows him some of the famous local landmarks. Most importantly, Dimitri teaches Brady how to appreciate the details and beauty that surround him. Brady leaves Greece a different person. Illustrations and a map
适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 Although humans have existed for nearly two hundred thousand years, they did not form civilizations until relatively recently. One of the most fascinating and earliest examples of a civilization is that of ancient Mesopotamia. Ancient Mesopotamia offers a detailed look at the history and influence of this fertile part of the world. The book can also be used to
适合年龄 0-2岁 资源简介 Highlights出版公司创办于1946年,是美国历史最悠久、获奖最多、目前发行量最大的儿童杂志出版社。是美国幼儿、小学生读者首选期刊,全球印刷数量已超过10亿册《highlights hello》更适合小龄儿童的。 资源节选 In the Bay Mama and baby manatee swim together under the sea. They snack and nap,then snack some more. Manatees love living just offshore. 在海湾 妈妈和小海牛一起在海底游泳。 他们吃零食和小睡,然后再吃点零食。 海牛喜欢住在近海。
资源简介: 廖彩杏,她是台湾三大英文绘本阅读讲师、“廖彩杏书单”制定者、“英文有声书学习法”创始人。是儿童英语启蒙圈内教母级人物。是台湾政治大学语文学系学士,中正大学外文研究所硕士。曾任英语教师,在2011—2015年台湾英语教师学会主办的ETA论坛中担任演讲者。 她有一对双胞胎,据说廖彩杏的双胞胎儿女从出生以后,一直在中文环境里接受教育,读的是一般公立幼儿园及小学,还从未上过补习班,仅仅只是按照廖彩杏书单和“英文有声书学习法”一直听英文有声书,就在英语启蒙上取得了惊人的成就。 仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版 10岁能够通读霍金撰写的少年科幻小说 11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。 那么廖彩杏书单就是她在给两个孩子选书的过程,甑选出
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Musical Instruments introduces readers to various types of musical instruments from around the world. Readers will readily recognize familiar instruments, such as the piano and violin. They will also have great fun showing off their new vocabulary. For example, can anyone guess where the gusle is played? 《乐器》向读者介绍了来自世界各地的各种乐器。 读者很容易认出熟悉的乐器,例如钢琴和小提琴。 他们也会很开
资源简介: 廖彩杏,她是台湾三大英文绘本阅读讲师、“廖彩杏书单”制定者、“英文有声书学习法”创始人。是儿童英语启蒙圈内教母级人物。是台湾政治大学语文学系学士,中正大学外文研究所硕士。曾任英语教师,在2011—2015年台湾英语教师学会主办的ETA论坛中担任演讲者。 她有一对双胞胎,据说廖彩杏的双胞胎儿女从出生以后,一直在中文环境里接受教育,读的是一般公立幼儿园及小学,还从未上过补习班,仅仅只是按照廖彩杏书单和“英文有声书学习法”一直听英文有声书,就在英语启蒙上取得了惊人的成就。 仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版 10岁能够通读霍金撰写的少年科幻小说 11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。 那么廖彩杏书单就是她在给两个孩子选书的过程,甑选出
资源简介: 廖彩杏,她是台湾三大英文绘本阅读讲师、“廖彩杏书单”制定者、“英文有声书学习法”创始人。是儿童英语启蒙圈内教母级人物。是台湾政治大学语文学系学士,中正大学外文研究所硕士。曾任英语教师,在2011—2015年台湾英语教师学会主办的ETA论坛中担任演讲者。 她有一对双胞胎,据说廖彩杏的双胞胎儿女从出生以后,一直在中文环境里接受教育,读的是一般公立幼儿园及小学,还从未上过补习班,仅仅只是按照廖彩杏书单和“英文有声书学习法”一直听英文有声书,就在英语启蒙上取得了惊人的成就。 仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版 10岁能够通读霍金撰写的少年科幻小说 11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。 那么廖彩杏书单就是她在给两个孩子选书的过程,甑选出
资源简介: 廖彩杏,她是台湾三大英文绘本阅读讲师、“廖彩杏书单”制定者、“英文有声书学习法”创始人。是儿童英语启蒙圈内教母级人物。是台湾政治大学语文学系学士,中正大学外文研究所硕士。曾任英语教师,在2011—2015年台湾英语教师学会主办的ETA论坛中担任演讲者。 她有一对双胞胎,据说廖彩杏的双胞胎儿女从出生以后,一直在中文环境里接受教育,读的是一般公立幼儿园及小学,还从未上过补习班,仅仅只是按照廖彩杏书单和“英文有声书学习法”一直听英文有声书,就在英语启蒙上取得了惊人的成就。 仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版 10岁能够通读霍金撰写的少年科幻小说 11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。 那么廖彩杏书单就是她在给两个孩子选书的过程,甑选出
推荐年龄: 12岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是RAZ分级阅读绘本P级中的一本《Seals,Sea Lions,and Walruses》,翻译成中文名为:海豹、海狮和海象,pdf电子书格式的,百度网盘免费资源,直接下载即可。 RAZ的全称是“Reading A-Z”,它是一套教授英语阅读的教材,是美国1万多所学校采用的在线分级阅读资源。中国大部分的国际学校也都是RAZ的忠实用户。 RAZ起源于美国、加拿大等发达国家,在香港、台湾地区发展了十几年,是综合考虑孩子的英文水平、心智发育程度、兴趣爱好等要素,为不同英文水平的孩子提供不同难度的英文读物。它旨在帮助孩子找到适合孩子水平的级别,通过在同一级别下的大量阅读逐步提高孩子的阅读能力。 RAZ本身有着非常严密的分级体系:根据全文词汇数、高频词词汇数