适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 When Robin Hood was a young lad, many of his friends were thrown out of their homes,arrested, or hanged. The French had conquered England,and they ruled over the common people with an iron fist. Though the English king was still on the throne, he was often at war, and the French ruled in his absence. They taxed families until they starved, then stole the p
绘本简介 ★ 7次荣获启蒙读物最高奖“苏斯博士奖”; ★ 纽约公共图书馆列为“每个人都应该知道的100种绘本”; ★ 入选《泰晤士报》“100本最值得推荐的童书”之一; ★ 连续3年入选美国亚马逊“年度十佳绘本”; ★ 连续6年雄踞美国亚马逊童书畅销榜前100名! 不仅在美国家喻户晓,还被翻译成多国语言行销全世界。 绘本节选 Hi, Snake! Hi, Gerald! Have you scen Piggie? Piggie just met Brian Bat for the first time. Now they are playing. Fun! Brian Bat is nice!
绘本简介 教材学习场景非常丰富,大多都和孩子的日常生活相关,每本书都是一个独立的内容,视角新颖、简短有趣、图片精美,孩子学起来并不会觉得枯燥。檩子看了每部分的内容,基本上国内的孩子还是可以消化的,建议家长指导孩子一起来学。 低龄阶段的读物大多是故事书,如果家长觉得孩子理解有难度,适当的先用中文讲一遍也未尝不可,但是切记不要用所谓“翻译”的方式,而是用讲故事的方式帮助孩子理解。孩子通过图片和故事来学习会更加有兴趣,学习完之后,也能用讲故事的方式retell(复述)出故事的内容就最好了。一天一到两本,依照孩子的兴趣来选择,科普类和生活类兼顾。 高年级阶段的学习,我们建议家长充分利用教师指导书,指导孩子阅读的时候更加明确。另外,建议这个年级的孩子多一些自主阅读,毕竟自主阅读和亲子阅读的角度是不一样的,如果孩子自己能体会到阅读的乐趣,那就再好不过了。
适合年龄 4-8岁 资源简介 It’s Halloween and Nancy wants to turn her house into a haunted mansion for all the neighborhood kids to enjoy. With this reusable sticker book, you can help Nancy plan and host the most glamorous gala in town! (“Gala” is a fancy word for a really great party.) Don’t miss out on Nancy’s fancy Halloween 这是万圣节,南希想把她的房子变成一个闹鬼的豪宅,让所有邻居的孩子享受。有了这本可重复使用的贴纸书,你可以帮助
绘本简介 教材学习场景非常丰富,大多都和孩子的日常生活相关,每本书都是一个独立的内容,视角新颖、简短有趣、图片精美,孩子学起来并不会觉得枯燥。檩子看了每部分的内容,基本上国内的孩子还是可以消化的,建议家长指导孩子一起来学。 低龄阶段的读物大多是故事书,如果家长觉得孩子理解有难度,适当的先用中文讲一遍也未尝不可,但是切记不要用所谓“翻译”的方式,而是用讲故事的方式帮助孩子理解。孩子通过图片和故事来学习会更加有兴趣,学习完之后,也能用讲故事的方式retell(复述)出故事的内容就最好了。一天一到两本,依照孩子的兴趣来选择,科普类和生活类兼顾。 高年级阶段的学习,我们建议家长充分利用教师指导书,指导孩子阅读的时候更加明确。另外,建议这个年级的孩子多一些自主阅读,毕竟自主阅读和亲子阅读的角度是不一样的,如果孩子自己能体会到阅读的乐趣,那就再好不过了。
适合年龄: 7-12岁 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是英文绘本《Frightened Fred》,翻译成中文名为:胆小鬼Fred,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本简介: Fred是一只小猫咪,他敏感又胆小,常常感到很害怕,最后,他克服这个问题了吗? 绘本内容翻译: Fred was often frightened. Fred常常害怕。 He couldn’t help it. He came from a very nervous family. 他忍不住。 他来自一个很敏感的家庭。 He was too scared to help his sister check for monsters u
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 How Much Is a Trillion? teaches readers number sense while exploring the concept of large numbers. The text gives many concrete and engaging examples that students can relate to, as well as helping them understand just how one could make a million, a billion, and a trillion! Photographs, captions, and charts support the text. 一万亿是多少? 在探索大数概念的同时教读者数感。 课文提供了
适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本介绍 牛津阅读树(ORT)是牛津大学出版的阅读系列,在欧美极受中小学推崇,中国的很多国际学校也使用这套教材。 让孩子在故事中学会大量地道词汇、文法知识和不同国家的文化 故事有趣、贴近孩子的生活体验,系列分多个阶段,适合2─8岁孩子阅读 BEFORE READING Talk together • Read the title and look at the picture. Guess why this story is called Fetch! •Talk about the way some dogs like to run after sticks and balls. •Look through
资源介绍 RAZ知名度应该很高了,就不多过介绍,这套资源是reading room分类里阅读量最高的TOP50,这些绘本均为高清PDF,还一起整理了配套的MP3音频文件,无论是提升孩子英文写作能力还是英语阅读能力,都是非常不错的课外读物。 绘本节选 I was searching for a single dollar. I only needed one. I needed it for lunch that day. I had to ask someone. My sister gave me lots of coins from her piggy bank. 100 pennies were too heavy. Both my pockets sank
适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 What divided Britain and the American colonists after their success in the French and Indian War? Seeds of Revolution provides students a historical look at these struggles. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine cause-and-effect relationships and the proper use of conjunctions. The book and lesson are also available for levels Z1 and Z2.
适合年龄: 2岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是培生英语阅读街幼儿办K1级别的英文绘本《A Stand for Tim》,翻译成中文名为:提姆的小摊,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本翻译: an and Tim will set up a stand. Mom and Dad will help. 丹和提姆要摆一个摊。妈妈和爸爸会帮忙。 Dan and Tim get the cups. Mom and Dad set up the stand. 丹和提姆拿杯子。妈妈和爸爸摆好摊位。 Tim will fill it up. Do not spill, Tim. 提姆会把杯子倒满。别弄洒了,提姆。 Dan wi
适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 Imagine riding in a car at a speed of 200 miles per hour! This is the speed at which NASCAR drivers move. Their incredible custom-built cars are part of a major class of competitive events that has evolved over time. Readers will learn about these specialized vehicles and racing techniques that lead to NASCAR championships. Photographs support the text. 想
适合年龄: 12岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G2级别Decodable Readers系列绘本中的《Lunchtime》,翻译成中文名为:午餐时间,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 绘本内容翻译: It’s time to eat. It is simple to set the table. Pam is able to do it by herself. First, Pam sets purple dishes on the ta
适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本介绍 牛津阅读树(ORT)是牛津大学出版的阅读系列,在欧美极受中小学推崇,中国的很多国际学校也使用这套教材。 让孩子在故事中学会大量地道词汇、文法知识和不同国家的文化 故事有趣、贴近孩子的生活体验,系列分多个阶段,适合2─8岁孩子阅读 绘本节选 The next day was Mum's birthday. Chip had a box of chocolates for her. Kipper had made her a monkey at school. Biff didn't know what to get. Biff asked Anneena's mum to help her buy a plant
适合年龄: 4岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是英文绘本故事《I Am A Rock》,翻译成中文名为:我是一块岩石,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 绘本简介: 这个绘本向我们展示了自然界、以及我们生活中最常见的十二种岩石。 没有枯燥乏味的平铺直叙,而是用第一人称,用小石头们的口吻给孩子们讲述了这个庞大的岩石家族中,12个兄弟姐妹各自不同的精彩故事。 绘本内容翻译: Welcome to the rock Hall of fame. 欢迎来到岩石大礼堂。 My name is Marble. 我是马勃(大理石)。 Come and meet my friends. 来见见我的朋友吧。 Can
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Joe Kittinger is a man of extraordinary courage who made important contributions to the field of space exploration. Students will learn about Kittinger's work with high-altitude balloons and incredible acts of bravery that benefited both pilots and astronauts. Photographs support the text. 乔·基廷格 (Joe Kittinger) 是一位具有非凡勇气的人,他为太空探索领域做出了重要贡献。 学生将了解 Kittinger
绘本简介 教材学习场景非常丰富,大多都和孩子的日常生活相关,每本书都是一个独立的内容,视角新颖、简短有趣、图片精美,孩子学起来并不会觉得枯燥。檩子看了每部分的内容,基本上国内的孩子还是可以消化的,建议家长指导孩子一起来学。 低龄阶段的读物大多是故事书,如果家长觉得孩子理解有难度,适当的先用中文讲一遍也未尝不可,但是切记不要用所谓“翻译”的方式,而是用讲故事的方式帮助孩子理解。孩子通过图片和故事来学习会更加有兴趣,学习完之后,也能用讲故事的方式retell(复述)出故事的内容就最好了。一天一到两本,依照孩子的兴趣来选择,科普类和生活类兼顾。 高年级阶段的学习,我们建议家长充分利用教师指导书,指导孩子阅读的时候更加明确。另外,建议这个年级的孩子多一些自主阅读,毕竟自主阅读和亲子阅读的角度是不一样的,如果孩子自己能体会到阅读的乐趣,那就再好不过了。
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Josie is excited about her friend Ceci coming to her house to play. Will her feelings change when Ceci does not act like the guest Josie imagined? In I'm the Guest, students read about a friend who takes advantage of an invitation and acts selfishly. Children will easily relate to Josie's feelings of confusion and frustration. The complications of friendship pro
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Alexander the Great was one of the most significant leaders the world has ever known. Readers will enjoy learning about his twelve years as king, and how he expanded his empire throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Egypt, sharing cultures and creating trade routes that would change the ancient world. 亚历山大大帝是世界上有史以来最重要的领导人之一。 读者将喜欢了解他作为国王的十二年,以及他如何将自己的帝国扩展到
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Theo is a new student whose soccer skills and kind heart make him an object of admiration for everyone at his new school. Well, almost everyone. Morty isn't used to being ignored, and the attention Theo receives causes Morty to take matters into his own hands. Morty and Charming Theo provides a platform for discussions surrounding bullying and the power of kindn