全部 启蒙英语 英语影视 英语绘本 英语教材教案
  • raz Z2级阅读The Red Badge of Courage (Part 11)绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载
    raz Z2级阅读The Red Badge of Courage (Part 11)绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

    适合年龄 12岁左右 绘本简介 Henry fights heroically in a fresh battle. Afterward, he and Wilson are deeply offended when they overhear an officer say their regiment fights "like a bunch of mule drivers." The men prepare to make a desperate charge that few expect to survive. 亨利在新的战斗中英勇作战。 之后,当他和威尔逊无意中听到一名军官说他们的团打架“就像一群骡子司机”时,他们深感冒犯。 男人们准备发起一场几乎没有人希望活下来的绝望冲锋。 RAZ旨在帮助孩子找到适

  • Tornadoes绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Have you ever experienced a tornado? What would you do if you were in a tornado? Tornadoes provides students with a comprehensive look at this amazing force. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine cause and effect relationships and the inflectional ending -ing. The book and lesson are also available for levels J and P. 你经历过龙卷风吗? 如果你在龙

  • 《All About Islands》儿童绘本电子书及音频资源下载
    《All About Islands》儿童绘本电子书及音频资源下载

    适合人群: 六年级及以上学生和成人 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是Oxford Read and Discover五级绘本中的一本《All About Islands》,翻译成中文名为:关于岛屿的一切,有pdf资源和音频资源,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 《Oxford Read and Discover 》是一套全新的非小说类分级读物,含有另有着迷的故事内容和抓人眼球精美插图,主要面向小学至8岁以上的读者。 本系列特点是通过跨学科主题,并配有丰富活动,专项练习的和全彩照片来使英语学习变得激动人心,非常适合 CLIL(内容和语言整合学习)。 各级难度标准: Level 1 --- 300 Headwords Level 2 --- 450 Headwords

  • Animals Work and Play培生幼儿绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Animals Work and Play培生幼儿绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 3-6岁 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是培生英语阅读街幼儿版K3级别的英文绘本《Animals Work and Play》,翻译成中文名为:动物工作和玩耍,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 阅读街系列不仅插画画面丰富多彩,还在英语学习的基础上,设置了“找一找”小游戏,引导孩子像小侦探一样进行探索发现。 《培生英语阅读街:幼儿版K3/美国幼儿园语言启蒙教材》内容介绍: 1、掌握30个基础阅读高频词 2、练习36组句型,每册重点学习1个句型 3、认识230个概念认知词(Concept Words) 4、培养孩子对事物的认知能力 绘本内容翻译: A horse can work. 马能工作。

  • Trucks绘本电子书+MP3资源免费下载

    适合年龄 4岁左右 绘本简介 In Trucks students will learn about the variety of objects that trucks carry. The detailed photographs allow children to see that trucks come in many shapes and sizes depending on what they are hauling. This nonfiction book provides a wonderful opportunity to practice classifying information. The repetitive phrases and high-frequency words support early emergent

  • Nat自然拼读绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物Decodable Readers系列绘本中的《Nat》,翻译成中文名为:纳特,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Decodable Readers系列,phonics自然拼读教材的巩固读物,可配任何一套phonics自然拼读教材。 绘本内容翻译: Can Nat bat it? Nat can bat it. Can Nat tap it? Nat can tap i

  • I'm the Tall One绘本电子版+音频百度网盘免费下载
    I'm the Tall One绘本电子版+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Differences make us special, but they can also make us self-conscious. I'm the Tall One explores the dynamics of being set apart from your peers. Students will learn important lessons about valuing their individual traits as they work on reading skills such as determining problem and solution and using pronouns. 差异让我们与众不同,但也能让我们有自我意识。《我是高个子》探索了与同龄人不同的动态。学生

  • Going on a Dinosaur Dig英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Going on a Dinosaur Dig英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 9岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G1级别Social Studies系列绘本中的《Going on a Dinosaur Dig》,翻译成中文名为:进行恐龙化石挖掘,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Social Studies系列绘本,提供给孩子们阅读一些社会生活方面的材料。 绘本内容翻译: Fossils can be bones of animals from a long time ago. Or a fossil can be

  • Jake Baked the Cake英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载
    Jake Baked the Cake英文绘本电子版PDF资源免费下载

    适宜阅读人群:5岁+。 绘本节选 APPLE The bride's gown was made in town. 新娘的礼服在城里做。 The groom's pants arrived from France. The champagne came from Spain. 新郎的裤子法国买, 香槟来自西班牙。 While Jake baked the cake. Jake正在烤蛋糕。 Sally Price bought the rice, The best man hired a band. Mr.Fine painted the sign. Sally Price买了米; 伴郎去把乐队

  • Highlights hello 201802杂志电子版PDF免费下载
    Highlights hello 201802杂志电子版PDF免费下载

    适合年龄 0-2岁 资源简介 Highlights出版公司创办于1946年,是美国历史最悠久、获奖最多、目前发行量最大的儿童杂志出版社。是美国幼儿、小学生读者首选期刊,全球印刷数量已超过10亿册《highlights hello》更适合小龄儿童的。 资源节选 Just like That! Pat your tummy. Pat your hair. Pat the table. Pat the chair. Pat your shoulders. Pat your knees. 就像那样! 拍拍你的肚子。 拍拍你的头发。 拍桌子。 拍拍椅子。 拍拍你的肩膀。

  • The Last Great Race绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    The Last Great Race绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 In 1925, a sled-dog team made a heroic trip across Alaska carry life-saving medicine to Nome. To commemorate this event, the Iditarod race was established. Each year mushers,with the help of their sled dogs, race across Alaska's rugged and wild terrain from Anchorage to Nome. They compete for nearly $70,000 in prize money. 1925 年,一支雪橇犬队勇敢地穿越阿拉斯加,将救命药带到诺姆。

  • The Roman Empire Faces Attila绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    The Roman Empire Faces Attila绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 For five centuries starting around 27 BC, the leaders of the Roman Empire ruled successfully over large areas of Europe. Eventually, the empire became so vast that it had to be divided between two emperors. This division considerably reduced the power of the empire, which lost control of its borders, leaving them open to attack from invaders. Taking advantage of

  • A Little Slice of Happy英文绘本jpg资源免费下载
    A Little Slice of Happy英文绘本jpg资源免费下载

    适合年龄 6岁+ 绘本节选 Ahh, the first cup of the day communing with your Coffee... or tea... or cocoa. The caffeine and you are one. 一天中的第一杯咖啡, 或者是茶,或者是可可,给你提供活力。 A chat and a sip with a friend. A chance to sit back and catch up. A little oasis of pleasure. 在一个令人愉悦的地方,跟朋友喝杯茶,聊一聊。 这是个休息和充电的好机会。 Tea Time — a very civilize

  • 牛津阅读树Read at Home系列5C The Secret Of the Sands音频+PDF资源免费下载
    牛津阅读树Read at Home系列5C The Secret Of the Sands音频+PDF资源免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本介绍 牛津阅读树(ORT)是牛津大学出版的阅读系列,在欧美极受中小学推崇,中国的很多国际学校也使用这套教材。 让孩子在故事中学会大量地道词汇、文法知识和不同国家的文化 故事有趣、贴近孩子的生活体验,系列分多个阶段,适合2─8岁孩子阅读 绘本节选 The children were playing on the computer. They were playing Chip's new game, Secret of the Sands. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. "Look at the key!" cried Biff. “It's time for an adventure.”

  • Fancy Nancy's Fashion Parade绘本PDF百度云下载
    Fancy Nancy's Fashion Parade绘本PDF百度云下载

    适合年龄 4-8岁 资源介绍 No one knows fancy like Nancy! From the sparkles in her hair to the sequins on her shoes, Nancy sprinkles glamour wherever she goes. Springtime for Fancy Nancy means flowers, butterflies, sunshine and most of all!a chance to show off her fabulous spring fashions! Now you can join in all the fashion fun with this fabulous sticker book! 没有人比南希更懂美!从头发上的亮片到鞋子上

  • Highlights hello 201806杂志电子版PDF免费下载
    Highlights hello 201806杂志电子版PDF免费下载

    适合年龄 0-2岁 资源简介 Highlights出版公司创办于1946年,是美国历史最悠久、获奖最多、目前发行量最大的儿童杂志出版社。是美国幼儿、小学生读者首选期刊,全球印刷数量已超过10亿册《highlights hello》更适合小龄儿童的。 资源节选 On the Ferry Ride the Ferry'Cross the bay Wave at People On our way Seagulls flying All around Foghorns making Their deep sound Ride the Ferry'Cross the bay Back an

  • In the Grasslands培生英语幼儿绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    In the Grasslands培生英语幼儿绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 3-6岁 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是培生英语阅读街幼儿版K3级别的英文绘本《In the Grasslands》,翻译成中文名为:在草原上,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 阅读街系列不仅插画画面丰富多彩,还在英语学习的基础上,设置了“找一找”小游戏,引导孩子像小侦探一样进行探索发现。 《培生英语阅读街:幼儿版K3/美国幼儿园语言启蒙教材》内容介绍: 1、掌握30个基础阅读高频词 2、练习36组句型,每册重点学习1个句型 3、认识230个概念认知词(Concept Words) 4、培养孩子对事物的认知能力 绘本内容翻译: We see the lion. We see the cub.

  • 苏斯博士Gustav. the Goldfish英文绘本PDF资源免费下载
    苏斯博士Gustav. the Goldfish英文绘本PDF资源免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本节选 The man who sold Gustav the Goldfish to us Had warned us, "Take care! When you feed this small cuss Just feed him a spot. If you feed him a lot, Then something might happen! It's hard to say what." That's what the man said. So I tried to take care Just to feed Gus a pinch. But it never seemed fair. ‘Cause he always

  • The Coast绘本PDF+MP3百度网盘免费下载
    The Coast绘本PDF+MP3百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 In The Coast students will read about some of the things located along the coast. Students will have an opportunity to identify the main idea and details in this simple, repetitive story. Detailed, supportive illustrations and the high-frequency word the support early readers. 在海岸,学生将阅读有关海岸沿线的一些事物。 学生将有机会在这个简单、重复的故事中找出主要思想和细节。 详细的、支持性的插图和高频词支持早期读者。

  • Penny Wins First Prize英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Penny Wins First Prize英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 7岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G1级别Decodable Readers系列绘本中的《Penny Wins First Prize》,翻译成中文名为:佩妮获得一等奖,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Decodable Readers系列是自然拼读教材的巩固读物,可配任何一套phonics自然拼读教材。 绘本内容翻译: There is a prize for the best cake. Does Penny like