适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Is it better to be tall or short? The fable The Camel and the Pig examines this age-old question. In the end, the pig and the camel discover it is great to be yourself. Students have the opportunity to identify the characters as well as connect to prior knowledge. Supportive illustrations, high-frequency words, and simple dialogue support emergent readers.
适合年龄: 6岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是英文绘本《Snuggle Bunnies》,翻译成中文名为:挤在一起的小兔子,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本简介: 这是一个特别温馨有爱的故事,三只可爱的小兔子和她们的妈妈住在山野间的一个小木屋里,过着自由自在、无忧无虑的生活。 绘本内容翻译: One warm summer day, three little bunnies playedin the garden all day long. They were still outside when the sun began to set, and the fireflies came out to play, too. “Dinner
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Hansel and Gretel is a retelling of the classic German fairy tale in which a brother and sister find themselves held captive by a deceitful and wicked old woman. Will the clever pair of siblings be able to escape before the old woman's unsavory plan can unfold? The book can be used to teach students how to make inferences and draw conclusions and to understand t
适合年龄: 4岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是小公主苏菲亚系列中的绘本《Sofia the First Welcome to Royal Prep》,翻译成中文名为:苏菲亚的第一次-欢迎来到皇家预备队,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 小公主苏菲亚系列讲述的是一个生长在普通家庭的女孩苏菲亚,由于妈妈嫁给了国王,她便成了王室的一员,于是就有了她必须要学习如何变成一名真正公主的一系列让人啼笑皆非的好玩故事。孩子读起来肯定爱不释手。 通过这些故事,孩子可以看到苏菲亚是如何培养并且肯定自己的内在价值,坚持自我信念并且勇于接受各种挑战的。通过阅读这些故事,孩子能更好地理解梦想与自尊、尊重与友善、谦虚与热心这些对孩子未来发展极为重要的品质。 绘本简介: On her way
适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是小公主苏菲亚系列中的绘本《Sofia the First Holiday in Enchancia》,翻译成中文名为:苏菲亚公主:假期,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 小公主苏菲亚系列讲述的是一个生长在普通家庭的女孩苏菲亚,由于妈妈嫁给了国王,她便成了王室的一员,于是就有了她必须要学习如何变成一名真正公主的一系列让人啼笑皆非的好玩故事。孩子读起来肯定爱不释手。 通过这些故事,孩子可以看到苏菲亚是如何培养并且肯定自己的内在价值,坚持自我信念并且勇于接受各种挑战的。通过阅读这些故事,孩子能更好地理解梦想与自尊、尊重与友善、谦虚与热心这些对孩子未来发展极为重要的品质。 绘本简介: Based on a special e
适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物Decodable Readers系列绘本中的《Can It Fit》,翻译成中文名为:它适合吗,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Decodable Readers系列,phonics自然拼读教材的巩固读物,可配任何一套phonics自然拼读教材。 绘本内容翻译: Tab sat on a lap. Kit did not. Lil lit it. Do you se
适合年龄: 8岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G1级别ELL Reader系列绘本中的《Who Lives Here》,翻译成中文名为:谁住在这儿,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 绘本内容翻译: I was walking in my neighborhood. I saw lots of homes I saw a home of logs and mud. It was in the water. It is called
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis teaches readers about some of the most intense and unpredictable forces of nature. It describes the causes of each one and explains the ways in which these three furious forces are connected. Diagrams, photographs, and a map support the text. Book and lesson also available at Levels Q and W. 地震、火山和海啸让读者了解一些最强烈和不可预测的自然力量
适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 Microbes: Friend or Foe? is an informational book that gives readers a close look at microbes-including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The book provides examples of how microbes are both helpful and harmful. It explains how they are spread and how bad microbes are fought using vaccines and antibiotics. Photographs, a map, and a chart support the text.
适合年龄: 8-14岁 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的绘本故事源自牛津阅读树第九阶段,绘本名为《Wolf Fables》,翻译成中文名为:狼寓言,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 《牛津阅读树全明星》是一部适合婴儿阅读的一流小说。它们是由顶尖作家和插画家撰写和插图的书籍,旨在挑战和激励有能力的读者。同时,内容完全适合有能力的婴儿读者。 绘本简介: Wolf fables first told by an ancient Greek slave called Aesop. Oxford Reading Tree Stage 9. TreeTops Myths and Legends. 狼的寓言最初是由一个叫伊索的古希腊奴隶讲述的。牛津阅读树第9期。树梢神话和传说。
适合年龄: 12岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G2级别ELL Readers系列绘本中的《The Tomato Times-A Newspaper》,翻译成中文名为:番茄时报-一份报纸,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 绘本内容翻译: A Favorite Fruit Many people love tomatoes. They love to put them in salad. They love to cook tomatoes
适合年龄: 8岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物中的绘本《Look,a Flag》,翻译成中文名为:看,一面旗帜,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本内容: This is a symbol of our country. This is a symbol of our state This is a symbol of our country. This is a symbol of our state. This is a symbol of freedom. This is a symbol of freedom too. 中文翻译: 这是我们国家的象征。 这是
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 In A Pocket Park for Tiny, April receives a puppy as a birthday present. April and her brother Jesse love their dog but are sad that he has no place to run and play. Their mom suggests they turn the empty lot in their neighborhood into a pocket park. Early emergent readers will discover how the children gain permission for the pocket park and then cooperate with
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Ancient Egypt describes the fascinating lives and customs of Egyptians long ago. Readers learn about the ancient Egyptians' strong beliefs regarding death and the afterlife. The book also provides readers with an introduction to the famous Egyptian pyramids. The text is enhanced with photographs, diagrams, and illustrations. 古埃及描述了很久以前埃及人迷人的生活和习俗。 读者了解古埃及人
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 This retelling of the The Three Little Pigs is told from the wolf's point of view. Readers will sympathize with the homeless, freezing wolf as he suffers a cold and can't stop sneezing. Illustrations support the text. 这三只小猪的复述是从狼的角度讲述的。 读者会同情这只无家可归、冻僵的狼,因为他感冒了,不停地打喷嚏。 插图支持文本。 RAZ有严密的分级体系:根据全文词汇数、高频词词汇数与比例、低频词词汇数与比例、句子长度、句子复杂度、句式、插图信息量、思想深度、主题等
适合年龄: 6-10岁 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是英文绘本《Jake baked the cake》,翻译成中文名为:Jake正在烤蛋糕,pdf格式,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本简介: 婚礼马上开始啦,大家都忙得热火朝天,Jake这时在干什么呢?原来,他一直在烤面包。 绘本内容翻译: The bride's gown was made in town. 新娘的礼服在城里做。 The groom's pants arrived from France. The champagne came from Spain. 新郎的裤子法国买, 香槟来自西班牙。 While Jake baked the cake.
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Fantastic Flying Machines is an informational book about the history behind the human fascination with flight. It describes the differences between the ways many human-made things fly: airplanes, helicopters, blimps, hot-air balloons, rockets, and spaceships. The author poses questions to readers, offering opportunities for self-reflection. Photographs and illus
适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 In Mixing Colors students will learn about mixing two colors together to make a new color. The colorful pictures, repetitive phrases, and high-frequency words support early emergent readers. Students will also have the opportunity to explore cause-and-effect relationships as well as to connect to prior knowledge. 在混合颜色中,学生将学习如何将两种颜色混合在一起形成一种新颜色。 丰富多彩的图片、重复
适合年龄: 4岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物中的绘本《I Can Do Lots of Stuff》,翻译成中文名为:我可以做很多事情,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 《斯考特福斯曼》从幼儿园阶段起,到G6阶段(小学六年级)的单词量已经相当于我国高中英语的单词量,干货满满。 这套教材,不仅可以用来学英文,同时也能够学习科学、社科、文化等知识,是全方位接触英语国家文化的最佳教材,不可多得。 绘本内容: I am five. Kris and Brad are three. See me skip! Kris can not skip yet. Look at me flip! Kris can not flip
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Puppets is a book that teaches readers about the four basic kinds of puppets and how they are operated. Readers are introduced to some famous puppets and to different kinds of puppet stages. The book also contains instructions for making several puppets. Puppets 是一本向读者介绍四种基本木偶及其操作方式的书。 向读者介绍了一些著名的木偶和不同种类的木偶舞台。 这本书还包含制作几个木偶的说明。 RAZ本身有着非常严密的分级体系