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  • 《Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers》自然科学绘本pdf资源免费下载
    《Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers》自然科学绘本pdf资源免费下载

    推荐年龄: 5岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是自然科学类英语绘本《Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers》,翻译成中文名为:恐龙有羽毛吗?绘本是pdf电子书格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 这个绘本属于Let's Read And Find Out Science《自然科学入门》系列第二级。 这套书采用文学性的语句来表达各种地理知识及世界观,目的是向小读者们介绍基本科学概念,满足他们对世界如何运作的好奇心。 第二级进一步探讨了难度较高的自然科学概念,并加入了需要动手、动脑的延伸阅读内容,适合5-12岁的孩子阅读。 绘本简介: 恐龙有羽毛吗?鸟有羽毛,但你知道有些恐龙也有吗?新化石表明,早在1.45亿年前,一些恐龙就有羽毛,就像鸟类一样。

  • Blackbeard the Pirate绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    Blackbeard the Pirate绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Blackbeard the Pirate tells the true story of the famous pirate who terrorized the seas for years. Born in the late 1600s, he learned to sail at an early age. Once he began robbing ships, Blackbeard became one of the most feared pirates on the sea until he was killed in battle. Blackbeard's true story is the inspiration behind many of the colorful pirates in tod

  • Oak Trees英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Oak Trees英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 9岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G1级别Leveled Readers系列绘本中的《Oak Trees》,翻译成中文名为:橡树,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Leveled Readers系列绘本,提供给孩子们阅读一些科学方面的材料. 绘本内容翻译: This is an oak tree. Have you ever seen one? An oak tree has gray or black bark. Its tr

  • raz Y级阅读Elephants Giant Mammals绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    raz Y级阅读Elephants Giant Mammals绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 10岁左右 绘本简介 In Elephants: Giant Mammals, students will learn all about the largest land animal on Earth. They will read about where and how elephants live and how they raise their young as well as the differences between African and Asian elephants. Maps and photographs support the text. 在大象:巨型哺乳动物中,学生将了解地球上最大的陆地动物。 他们将阅读有关大象生活的地点和方式、它们如何抚养幼崽以及非洲象和亚洲象之间的差异的信息。 地图和照片支

  • The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear绘本PDF+音频下载
    The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear绘本PDF+音频下载

    适合年龄 3岁及以上 绘本简介 《The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear》,这本书非常有趣幽默,故事以旁白的方式,幽默风趣的和小老鼠展开了一段对话,将小老鼠,红草莓和大饿熊的故事生动地展现在孩子眼前,故事情节时而轻快时而紧张,适合2-6岁的孩子家庭阅读,是一本非常优秀的绘本。 绘本节选 Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? --你好,小老鼠,你在干嘛呀? --关你什么事儿? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? --哦,我知道了。你要去摘那颗熟透的红草莓吗? --是啊,那是我的草莓!

  • Fishing with Grandpa绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载
    Fishing with Grandpa绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载

    适合年龄 7岁左右 绘本简介 Fishing with Grandpa tells the story of a grandfather and grandchild who go on a fishing trip together. The day's events are described from beginning to end, including baiting the hook and eating the fish. Young readers who have not been fishing just might get "hooked." 《和爷爷钓鱼》讲述了爷爷和孙子一起去钓鱼的故事。 当天的事件从头到尾描述,包括上钩和吃鱼。 没有钓鱼的年轻读者可能会“上钩”。 绘本内容

  • Amazing Mummies绘本电子档+音频百度云免费下载
    Amazing Mummies绘本电子档+音频百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Mummies can be found all over the world. Where they have been found and how they are preserved has fascinated scientists and people for years. Amazing Mummies allows students to investigate the different ways that mummies have been preserved over the years. The book can also be used to help students compare and contrast information and understand the proper use

  • 《Who Lives in an Alligator Hole》自然科学绘本pdf资源免费下载
    《Who Lives in an Alligator Hole》自然科学绘本pdf资源免费下载

    推荐年龄: 5岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是自然科学类英语绘本《Who Lives in an Alligator Hole》,翻译成中文名为:谁住在鳄鱼的嘴里,绘本是pdf电子书格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 这个绘本属于Let's Read And Find Out Science《自然科学入门》系列第二级。 这套书采用文学性的语句来表达各种地理知识及世界观,目的是向小读者们介绍基本科学概念,满足他们对世界如何运作的好奇心。 第二级进一步探讨了难度较高的自然科学概念,并加入了需要动手、动脑的延伸阅读内容,适合5-12岁的孩子阅读。 绘本简介: 短吻鳄是令人恐惧的动物,它们的祖先可以追溯到1.6亿年前。就像人类一样,短吻鳄影响着周围的一切。尽管如

  • The Lion and the Mouse绘本电子版+MP3百度云免费下载
    The Lion and the Mouse绘本电子版+MP3百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 A tiny mouse stumbles upon a sleeping lion and finds herself trapped under his huge paw. Just as she is about to become an afternoon snack for Lion, Mouse convinces him to let her go, promising to help Lion one day. Will the small mouse be able to help the mighty lion? Students will enjoy the colorful, supportive illustrations while they learn about sequencing e

  • Dragonflies!绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Dragonflies are insects. They live near water, are agile fliers, and can be found around the world. Dragonflies! provides students a comprehensive look at these amazing insects. The book can also be used to teach students how to determine an author's purpose for writing and the proper use of plural nouns. The book and lesson are also available for levels I and L

  • 小阿力的大学校绘本故事PPT百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 小阿力要上学了!小阿力好兴奋,可是又有点担心。万一在学校迷了路,万一交不到新朋友,怎么办?他也害怕自己可能会忍不住哭鼻子,他真不想离开妈妈到陌生的环境去。 这时候,一只小麻雀让小阿力改变了想法……就像一只长大了必须离巢飞向广大世界的小鸟一样,小阿力还是去上学了,而且他发现,学校还是一个很有趣的地方呢! 小阿力开始希望,要是能一直和妈妈待在家里该有多好。“你就像一只不愿意离开巢的小小鸟啊!”小阿力的妈妈一边说着,一边紧紧的抱住了他。 这个星期天的早晨,小阿力跟小鸟们诉说他的心事。小阿力告诉小鸟们他要上学了,他好担心会在学校里迷路,说不定还会忍不住哭起来。这种恐惧是那么强大,以至于虽然有妈妈温暖的怀抱,有小鸟的倾听,可是仍然阻挡不了在上学的前一天晚上,小阿力做了一个“很可怕

  • On Thanksgiving绘本电子书+音频百度云免费下载
    On Thanksgiving绘本电子书+音频百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 Many people celebrate Thanksgiving with various traditions. On Thanksgiving shows how one family celebrates this annual fall holiday. Colorful illustrations accompany simple text and support early-emergent readers. This book can also be used to teach students how to visualize to understand text as well as to sequence events in a story. 许多人用各种传统庆祝感恩节。 感恩节展示

  • The Tinosaur绘本PDF+MP3百度云免费下载
    The Tinosaur绘本PDF+MP3百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 The Tinosaur is a fictional tale about dinosaurs. As the Ice Age approaches, tiny dinosaurs called tinosaurs are unable to escape the cold and need to think creatively in order to save their lives. The story follows these creatures, who solve their problem in a very clever way. Readers will enjoy the whimsical illustrations as well as the story Tinosaur是一个

  • Inventions Help People英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载
    Inventions Help People英语绘本翻译及pdf资源下载

    适合年龄: 12岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G2级别ELL Readers系列绘本中的《Inventions Help People》,翻译成中文名为:发明帮助人们,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 绘本内容翻译: Inventors look carefully at the way people do things. Inventors can observe for hours how people write, cook, wash clothes,

  • 《Earth's Resources》科学分级绘本pdf资源下载
    《Earth's Resources》科学分级绘本pdf资源下载

    资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是美国加州科学教材GK级中的绘本《Earth's Resources》,翻译成中文名为:地球资源,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本内容: A resource can be wood. A resource can be metal. A resource can be water We get resources from the land. We use the land to grow food. We drink water. We use water to wash. We breathe air. We can conserve the land. We can plant trees.

  • Dr. King's Memorial英语绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载
    Dr. King's Memorial英语绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

    适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most important civil rights leaders in American history. He worked hard for equality and taught others how to stand up for what they believed in by using peaceful ways to resist violence. Dr. King's Memorial provides an introduction to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s work and his role in changing unfair laws against racism.

  • Near and Far Away绘本电子书+MP3百度云免费下载
    Near and Far Away绘本电子书+MP3百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本简介 This simple leveled reader uses students' favorite subject--animals--to illustrate a crucial spatial relationship. Each animal is shown close-up and then farther away in its natural habitat. The simple, patterned text and beautiful photographs ensure that this book educates while it entertains. 这个简单的水平阅读器使用学生最喜欢的主题——动物——来说明一个关键的空间关系。 每只动物都被近距离展示,然后在更远的地方

  • 幼儿英语分级阅读预备级ocean party绘本MP4+MP3百度云免费下载
    幼儿英语分级阅读预备级ocean party绘本MP4+MP3百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 0到6岁是宝宝发展语言的黄金阶段,特别是发展口语能力、表达能力的重要时期。 单词、基本句式的积累是语言学习的重要组成部分。 为了给各位爸爸妈妈解决挑书的困难,今天,给家长们推荐一套《幼儿英语分级阅读·预备级》常识认知有声版,适合2-5岁的宝宝阅读使用。全书60册 对于学龄前的宝宝来说,阅读的难易程度也十分重要。难度太大,宝宝无法吸收,而且很快就会失去学习动力,难度太小,也无益于学习进步。 在适当的年龄读适当的书,这才是养成良好的阅读习惯的长久之策。 绘本节选 Party is on. I am a dolphin. I am a sea turtle. I am an octopus. I am a starfish.

  • 幼儿英语分级阅读预备级pet show绘本MP4+MP3百度云免费下载
    幼儿英语分级阅读预备级pet show绘本MP4+MP3百度云免费下载

    资源介绍 0到6岁是宝宝发展语言的黄金阶段,特别是发展口语能力、表达能力的重要时期。 单词、基本句式的积累是语言学习的重要组成部分。 为了给各位爸爸妈妈解决挑书的困难,今天,给家长们推荐一套《幼儿英语分级阅读·预备级》常识认知有声版,适合2-5岁的宝宝阅读使用。全书60册 对于学龄前的宝宝来说,阅读的难易程度也十分重要。难度太大,宝宝无法吸收,而且很快就会失去学习动力,难度太小,也无益于学习进步。 在适当的年龄读适当的书,这才是养成良好的阅读习惯的长久之策。 绘本节选 Look at the pet show Look at the dog. Look at the cat. Look at the bird. Look at the ra

  • One Stubborn Horse绘本电子书+音频百度云免费下载
    One Stubborn Horse绘本电子书+音频百度云免费下载

    适合年龄 4岁左右 绘本简介 In One Stubborn Horse, students will enjoy a humorous story about a horse that, no matter what, refuses to budge an inch. Use this story to teach students how to analyze character and accurately retell a story. Entertaining illustrations, repetitive sentence structure, and high-frequency words support early emergent readers. 在《一匹顽固的马》中,学生将欣赏到关于一匹无论如何