适合年龄 6岁左右 绘本梗概 Share in the adventures of Sinbad in this wonderful re-tellingof his travels. The stories of Sinbad the Sailor are some of thebest loved tales from "The Arabian Nights". Travel over the seasand follow Sinbad's adventures retold in Marcia Williams' vividcomic-strip style. These seven stories are presented in anentertaining and accessible way packed with hilarious
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 In Bonk, the Healthy Monster, Bonk becomes the new candy store's number one customer. He begins to have health problems after eating too much candy every day. How will Bonk become healthy again? This book provides the opportunity to introduce author's purpose to emergent readers. Pictures support the text. 在健康怪兽邦克中,邦克成为新糖果店的第一名顾客。 每天吃太多糖果后,他开始出现健康问题。 邦克将如何
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Why do we have laws? Laws for Kids explains that laws are rules everyone must follow to protect people and property. The illustrations depict a family following some basic laws as they travel around the city. Students have the opportunity connect to prior knowledge as well as identify cause-and-effect relationships in this story about laws. Detailed, supportive
The Runaway Bunny初级绘本pdf百度网盘免费下载 适读年龄: 5—10岁 这是一个小兔子和妈妈玩语言捉迷藏的简单故事: 小兔子对妈妈说:“我要跑走啦!” “如果你跑走了,”妈妈说,“我就去追你,因为你是我的小宝贝呀!” 一场爱的捉迷藏就此展开:小兔子上天入地,可不管他扮成小河里的一条鱼、花园里的一朵花……身后那个紧追不舍的妈妈总是能够抓住他。最后,小兔子逃累了,依偎在妈妈的身边说我不再逃了,于是妈妈便喂了他一根象征爱的胡萝卜。 部分内容: Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away. 从前有一只小兔子,很想要离家出走。 So he said to his mother, "I am ru
适合年龄: 2岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是培生英语阅读街幼儿办K1级别的英文绘本《The Jet》,翻译成中文名为:飞机,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 绘本翻译: Look at the jet. 看那架飞机。 The jet is big and blue. 这架飞机又大又蓝。 Jim and Jen are on the jet. 吉姆和珍在这架飞机上。 They will get the jet to go. 他们会让那个这架飞机飞起来。 Will and Dot get on the jet. 威尔和道特登上了飞机。 Gram spots Will and
适合年龄 6岁左右 绘本简介 City Places is a nonfiction book about various places typically found in a city and what people do in those places. Detailed illustrations support the text. City Places 是一本非小说类书籍,内容涉及城市中常见的各种地方以及人们在这些地方做什么。 详细的插图支持文本。 绘本内容 There are many places in the city. 城市里有很多地方。 Let's find out what some of them are. 我们去找找都有什么。
推荐年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是自然科学类英语绘本《I Can Tell by Touching》,翻译成中文名为:我可以通过触摸来判断,绘本是pdf电子书格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 这个绘本属于Let's Read And Find Out Science《自然科学入门》系列第一级。 这套书采用文学性的语句来表达各种地理知识及世界观,目的是向小读者们介绍基本科学概念,满足他们对世界如何运作的好奇心。 第一级介绍了较为常见和容易理解的自然科学概念,适合3-6岁的孩子阅读。 绘本简介: 这个绘本讲的是一个小男孩通过触觉来感知世界!给孩子们解释了触觉如何帮助我们识别日常物体和熟悉的环境。
适合年龄: 4岁以上有英语基础的孩子 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是英文绘本《恐龙宝宝Dinofours》系列英文绘本,讲述的是一只叫 Dinofours的恐龙宝宝的故事,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 这个系列的表现形式虽然还属于绘本,但篇幅长,句子结构也比较复杂,故事性相对也强,所以,更适合4,5岁以上有听力基础,最好是能自主阅读的大童。 因为恐龙宝宝Dinofours系列的主题是恐龙dinosaur,而且画面非常漂亮,虽然对亲自阅读的家长要求比较高, 但音频效果很好,不是随便的普通人的朗读录音,所有家有小童的爸爸妈妈,如果孩子对恐龙dinosaur这个主题比较感兴趣,也可拿出来跟孩子读读。
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 When you go to sleep at night, your body gets to rest, but your brain continues working. Why We Sleep is a nonfiction text that gives students information about the importance of sleep. Engaging photographs and an interesting topic will capture students' interest. The book can also be used to teach students how to make inferences and draw conclusions as well as
适合年龄 4岁左右 绘本简介 In What Do I Wear?, a girl is getting dressed. She tells where pieces of clothing and other items are worn on the body. Patterned text, the high-frequency word a, and supportive pictures make this book perfect for emerging readers. 在《我穿什么?》,一个女孩正在穿衣服。 她讲述了身体上穿的衣服和其他物品的位置。 带图案的文本、高频词 a 和支持性图片使这本书非常适合新兴读者。 Vibrant illustrations, simple sentences, and high-frequenc
适合年龄 6岁左右 绘本简介 What? tells the story of Curious Cat, who is tired of eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The questions he asks will be familiar to early readers. The repetitive sentence pattern is supported by engaging illustrations. 《什么? 》讲述了好奇的猫的故事,他厌倦了早餐、午餐和晚餐吃同样的东西。 他提出的问题对早期读者来说会很熟悉。 引人入胜的插图支持重复的句型。
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Life at the Pond is a look at the many different plants and animals that live in and around a pond. It gives an overview of this specialized ecosystem and focuses on how insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals move, eat, raise their young, and build homes. Children will enjoy learning about this small world where so many things are happening. Photos support the te
适合年龄: 8岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物G1级别Social Studies系列绘本中的《Places》,翻译成中文名为:位置,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 美国斯考特福斯曼是培生集团旗下的一套英语分级读物,是美国多个幼儿园和小学会选用的原版英语学习教材,分为GK(Grade Kindergarten)-G6 (Grade 6),共7个级别。 Social Studies系列绘本,提供给孩子们阅读一些社会生活方面的材料。 Vocabulary(重点词汇): desert forest habitat ocean wetland 绘本内容翻译: Habitats
适合年龄: 4岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是《斯考特福斯曼》分级读物中的绘本《Do Not Quit,Quinn》,翻译成中文名为:击球,pdf格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 《斯考特福斯曼》从幼儿园阶段起,到G6阶段(小学六年级)的单词量已经相当于我国高中英语的单词量,干货满满。 绘本内容及翻译: Little Pam can see Kim bat. 小帕姆能看见基姆击球。 Look! Kim can bat! Did Pam see Kim bat? 看!基姆会击球!帕姆看见基姆击球了吗? Little Pam can see Dan bat. 小帕姆能看见丹击球。 Look! Dan can ba
适合年龄 8岁左右 绘本简介 Carlos has moved from Monterrey, Mexico, to the United States. He makes a poster to introduce himself to his new classmates. He also makes a new friend in his apartment building. Students have the opportunity to retell the story and sequence events. Readers will enjoy this story about making new friends in a new country. 卡洛斯已从墨西哥蒙特雷搬到美国。 他制作了一张海报向他的新同学介绍自己
适合年龄 3岁左右 绘本介绍 牛津阅读树(ORT)是牛津大学出版的阅读系列,在欧美极受中小学推崇,中国的很多国际学校也使用这套教材。 让孩子在故事中学会大量地道词汇、文法知识和不同国家的文化 故事有趣、贴近孩子的生活体验,系列分多个阶段,适合2─8岁孩子阅读 绘本节选 Gran had come to stop. "But I will not stop long," she said. Gran was good fun. The children were glad she had come. But Gran had hurt her arm. She had to strap it up. "Did you
适合年龄 9岁左右 绘本简介 Our Solar System is an informational book that compares and contrasts the planets and describes comets, asteroids, and other space features. Space-related terminology and concepts in the book are supported by interesting photographs and fact boxes. 我们的太阳系是一本比较和对比行星并描述彗星、小行星和其他空间特征的信息书。 书中与空间相关的术语和概念得到了有趣的照片和事实框的支持。 RAZ的全称是“Reading A-Z”,它是一套教授英
适合年龄 4岁左右 绘本简介 Nothing Scares Me is the perfect reading treat for the Halloween season. The boy in the story isn't scared of anything on Halloween night ... or is he? Photographs of costumed trick or treaters accompany a text appropriate for the emerging reader. Connect with your student's excitement about the spooky holiday as you teach how to compare and contrast and use ver
适合年龄 6岁左右 绘本介绍 我们的小毛怪将要和奶奶开始一场有趣的冒险,他们去海边玩,一会儿奶奶的遮阳伞东倒西歪,一会儿小毛人自己跑到沙滩上建城堡,可是一阵海浪又把好不容易建起来的城堡弄塌了…不管怎样,这一天对小毛怪来说真是充实又有趣的一天。 故事简洁有趣,插画形象生动,多读几遍,孩子会爱上这场好玩的冒险旅程,感受亲情的珍贵和美好。 绘本节选 We went to the beach, just Grandma and me. 我和奶奶去了海边,这是我们的独处时光。 l want to set up the beach umbrella, 我想去支起遮阳伞。 but the wind was too strong. 但是风太大了!
适合人群: 六年级及以上学生和成人 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是Oxford Read and Discover五级绘本中的一本《Greate Migrations》,翻译成中文名为:大迁移,有pdf资源和音频资源,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源免费。 《Oxford Read and Discover 》是一套全新的非小说类分级读物,含有另有着迷的故事内容和抓人眼球精美插图,主要面向小学至8岁以上的读者。 本系列特点是通过跨学科主题,并配有丰富活动,专项练习的和全彩照片来使英语学习变得激动人心,非常适合 CLIL(内容和语言整合学习)。 各级难度标准: Level 1 --- 300 Headwords Level 2 --- 450 Headwords