鹅妈妈童谣55There Was An Old Woman音频+英文歌词内容 There was an old woman tossed up in a basket Nineteen times as high as the moon; Where she was going I couldn't but ask it, For in her hand she carried a broom. "Old woman, old woman, old woman," quoth I, "O whither, O whither, O whither, so high?" "To brush the cobwebs off the sky!" "Shall I go with
The New Clothes (1)原版英文小故事内容: “What’s the name of that store again? It starts with an 'A,'” Lorraine asked. Quinn didn’t know, either. It was a four- or five-syllable word that didn’t have anything to do with clothes. Yet it was a well-known, upscale clothing chain for women. “Why can’t they just name it something simple, like Ross Dress for Less?” Quinn said. “Everyone can
鹅妈妈童谣61Roses Are Red音频+英文歌词内容 Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet. And so are you 如需下载鹅妈妈童谣61Roses Are Red音频+英文歌词电子版可以扫描下方二维码↓↓↓
英语口语8000句5在工作单位音频+中英文对照文档部分内容 工作单位 ●在办公室 赶上了! I made it! *可以用于上班、上学和坐车时的情况。 I made it! (我赶上了!) Not quite. (那可未必。) I'm on time! I arrived on time! (正点到达。) 要严格遵守时间。 Be punctual! Be punctual! (要严格遵守时间。) Yes, sir.(是,知道了。) 你又迟到了。 You are late again. 我只迟到了5分钟。 I was only late by five minutes.
鹅妈妈童谣23Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?音频+中英文档内容 Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? Oh where, oh where can he be? With his ears cut short, and his tail cut long, Oh where, oh where is he? 如需下载鹅妈妈童谣23Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?音频+中英文档电子版可以扫描下方二维码↓↓↓
Set Fire To The Rain儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Adele 适合年龄:3-9岁 I let it fall, my heart, And as it fell, you rose to claim it, It was dark and I was over, Until you kissed my lips2 and you saved me, My hands, they were strong, but my knees were far too weak, To stand in your arms without falling to your feet, But there's a side to you that I never knew,
No Doughnuts for Old Folks原版英文小故事内容: In New York, the residents at a senior center have been receiving free doughnuts and other baked goods for years. The sweets are donated by bakeries and other shops that have leftovers that are not quite fresh enough to sell. The seniors devour the sweets. But the city council has decided that these sweets are no good for the seniors. It just p
鹅妈妈童谣26Wee Willie Winkie音频+中英文档内容 Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs in his night gown; Tapping at the windows, crying at the lock, "Are the children in their beds, for it's now ten o'clock?" 如需下载鹅妈妈童谣26Wee Willie Winkie音频+中英文档电子版可以扫描下方二维码↓↓↓
鹅妈妈童谣76Six Little Mice Sat Down to Spin音频+英文歌词内容 Six little mice sat down to spin, Pussy passed by, and she peeped in. "What are you doing, my little men?" "Making coats for gentlemen." "Shall I come in and bite off your threads?" "No, no, Miss Pussy, you'll bite off our heads." "Oh, no, I'll not, I'll help you spin." "That may be so, but y
One bottle O'pop一瓶汽水儿歌动画视频歌词内容 One bottle O'pop 一瓶汽水 One bottle o’pop, 一瓶汽水, Two bottles o’pop, 两瓶汽水, Three bottles o’pop, 三瓶汽水, Four bottles o’pop, 四瓶汽水, Five bottles o’pop, 五瓶汽水, Six bottles o’pop, 六瓶汽水, Seven bottles o’pop 七瓶汽水, Don’t eat too many pickles with hamburger sandwiches.
Oceanside Community原版英文小故事内容: The oceanside community of Lozano Beach is debating whether to allow homeowners to rent out their homes on a weekly basis during the summer. Such rentals produce high incomes for the owners and the city, which gets part of this income through a 15-percent surcharge to the owner. “This can be a boon to our coffers,” said Rick Brown, city manager. “In t
少儿英语口语26祝福恭喜音频+中英文对照文档百度网盘免费下载 恭喜! Congratulations! *用于对个人表示祝贺,如实现了什么目标获得什么胜利时。但不用于新春祝贺。注意不要忘记复数“s”。 I passed my driving test! (我驾照考试通过了。) Congratulations! (恭喜!恭喜!) 恭喜你的订婚。 Congratulations on your engagement. *用Congratulations on your engagement表示“祝贺……”的场合。 I'm engaged. (我订婚了!) Congratulations on your engagement. (恭喜你订婚!) 恭喜你们喜结良缘。
Red Meat, Gray Water原版英文小故事内容: See that bright red hamburger meat in the grocery store? It’s bright red because a food processor added carbon monoxide to the package. Most European governments do not allow carbon monoxide in packages that contain beef products. They warn that the gas keeps the beef looking bright red even if the beef has started to decay. This bright red color is
小学英语重要短句汇总文档资源免费下载 1.非常very much 2.在英国in the UK 3.在这张照片中in this picture 4.驾驶公共汽车drive a bus 5.一名笛子演奏者a flute player 6.演奏中国音乐play Chinese music 7.吹笛子play the flute 8.在办公室里in an office 9.在工厂里in a factory 10.在医院in a hospital 11.在商店里in a shop 12.一个幸福的家庭a happy family 13.在农场 on a farm 1.She was a driver before. 她以前是一
资源简介 1.与很多有声分级读物不同的是,书虫这套系列书故事特别多,不仅有经典的小说故事,也有很多新写的现代故事;不仅有爱情故事,也有冒险类的故事。为学习者提供了多元的选择机会,为英语学习提供了更多的便利。 2.书虫系列是白纸黑字的印刷,没有花枝招展五颜六色,如果是聆听过关的学生,这套书完全可以用来独立阅读。适合有一定英语基础的孩子学习。当学生在享受这套故事的音频带给他(她)有趣的故事情节时,这套书就变得多姿又多彩了。 3.共7个级别,从小学高年级到大学,为英语学习提供丰富的阅读材料; 4.入门级为漫画形式,看图阅读,让孩子更容易踏入书虫的世界。 5.一级至第六级为英汉对照形式,每页提供重点单词注释,让孩子更快掌握重点词汇。 6.每本书后配有练习题,检测阅读效果。 7.按照词汇量和语言难度进行科学分级
少儿英语口语情景对话08饮料音频+中英字幕内容 专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处。Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one’s health a world of good。 多喝茶会让你的牙齿变黄,但是对你的身体有好处。 Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it’s good for your health。 要加冰吗?Do you want some ice in your drink? 在大热天没有什么能够像冰饮料那样让人神清气爽。 Nothing’s as refreshing as ice cold drinks on a hot day。 没有咖啡,我早上就起不
I’m Moving to NY原版英文小故事内容: Enough was enough. After four years of devoting herself to Ward, Leah had given up. “I’m moving to New York,” she said. He couldn’t believe it. He begged her to give him one more chance. She said she had already given him “one more chance” too many times. “I asked you to marry me, but you said you weren’t ready to get married. You’re 50 years old—w
资源简介 1.与很多有声分级读物不同的是,书虫这套系列书故事特别多,不仅有经典的小说故事,也有很多新写的现代故事;不仅有爱情故事,也有冒险类的故事。为学习者提供了多元的选择机会,为英语学习提供了更多的便利。 2.书虫系列是白纸黑字的印刷,没有花枝招展五颜六色,如果是聆听过关的学生,这套书完全可以用来独立阅读。适合有一定英语基础的孩子学习。当学生在享受这套故事的音频带给他(她)有趣的故事情节时,这套书就变得多姿又多彩了。 3.共7个级别,从小学高年级到大学,为英语学习提供丰富的阅读材料; 4.入门级为漫画形式,看图阅读,让孩子更容易踏入书虫的世界。 5.一级至第六级为英汉对照形式,每页提供重点单词注释,让孩子更快掌握重点词汇。 6.每本书后配有练习题,检测阅读效果。 7.按照词汇量和语言难度进行科学分级
Don’t Take My Property原版英文小故事内容: “Eminent domain” is the power of the government to take private property and use it for the public good. Government officials simply notify a property owner that they want his property and offer him a fair price. The owner can accept or reject that offer. If he thinks the offer is too low, he can go to court. In court, a jury will decide the fair p
少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿文档部分内容 Hello! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng. I'm ten. I study in WZ children arts school. I'm in Class one Grade four . Welcome to Our Classroom This is my classroom. There is a sign on the door. It says: Welcome to Our Classroom! There are many desks. This is my desk. My name is on it. This is my teacher’