The Tax Charge原版英文小故事内容: The envelope had the words “Internal Revenue Service” printed on the outside. Oh no, Vaughn thought, this could be bad news. It was bad news. IRS had determined that Vaughn owed $963, plus $88 interest, from two years ago. They had disallowed a deduction for two reasons. One, his adjusted gross income that year was more than $40,000, and two, he was covere
适合年龄: 3岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是I am the music man绘本音频音频资源,无需解压,直接下载到百度网盘即可,资源目前是免费的。 I am the Music Man 是一本关于音乐启蒙的绘本童谣,它采用的是叠加式结构。在绘本中一共涉及到了六种常见的西方乐器,作者用自然拼读的方式把每一种乐器的单词按照结构拆解开来作者用自然拼读的方式把每一种乐器的单词按照结构拆解开来,通过每一遍的循环往复地吟唱,小朋友们很容易就可以掌握啦!简直就是so easy! I am the Music Man, 我是一个音乐人, I come from down your way. 我就住在你家隔壁。 And I can play! 我会演
迪斯尼启蒙英语8rmvb免费下载 迪斯尼启蒙英语特色: 1、英语已经成为世界第一语言,更早掌握英语,那么就能更先人一步!迪士尼在儿童、语言教育方面的成就领先世界,具有最优秀的文化、教育资源! 2、据联合国一项最新研究显示,学习第二语言的黄金时期是从出生到8岁,独特的迪士尼双语环境,用一样的时间学习两种语言!更能锻炼大脑! 3、“启蒙”“兴趣”,是这个时候的重点!告别传统的说教和“灌注”式教学法,培养孩子兴趣的同时“启发”孩子的学习机能这才是关键! 4、中国95%的孩子第一次接触英语都是经过迪士尼的经典卡通,用迪士尼的特有影响力和卡通形象的偶像力来启蒙孩子,让孩子看动画的同时就能掌握第二英语,就相当于有了第二生命!送给孩子影响一生的好礼物! 5、全球语言教育研究机构聚集
Say Hello儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Rosie Thomas 适合年龄:3-9岁 尾随爱情 Say Hello " I sort of wanted to get bacj to that time when I played music for nothing." 我想这就是Rosie Thomas这张新专辑诞生的原因,远离正常的唱片生产流程,没有studio,没有producer,没有deadline,甚至乾脆跳过了厂牌发行这一块,直接把这张专辑放在网上贩售,这一次Rosie Thomas随性得很彻底。 英文歌词 If I find him ...if i just to follow Would he hold me and never let me go
Boy Next Door儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:Triple Image 适合年龄:3-9岁 暗恋是一场奇遇,没有得到也无谓失去, 但如果自己的内心能够被所爱的人读懂,那就更加令人感动, 未来,我们一起携手走下去! "The Boy Next Door" Dear Stevie, I just wanted to let you know, That I've been thinking about ya lately. And since you've been gone, I wanna let you know, That I miss you boy, I miss you boy. Well it's been
Giving Blood原版英文小故事内容: Gabriel was running late. He had a 2 o’clock appointment to give blood at the gymnasium1 at George Washington High School. At least he thought he had; no one had ever called him back to confirm his reservation2. Probably a confirmation3 call wasn’t even necessary, he thought. He didn’t feel comfortable giving blood nowadays, no matter how much they tal
适合年龄: 1岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的资源是优彼儿歌之《一起去郊游》儿歌视频,MP4格式,高清画质,带有字幕,直接下载到百度网盘即可。 绘本简介: 由宝贝家儿童教育内容研发中心与台湾金曲奖获得者曹登昌、资深儿童音乐人张小柯共同创作。 内容涵盖0-4岁认知、语言、运动、行为习惯等领域的发展。针对宝宝需求提供不同歌曲,例如:适合婴儿感知觉发展的亲子运动歌、适合1-2岁宝宝的手指游戏歌、以及适合2-3岁宝宝学习各种概念的认知游戏歌谣等等。 本套儿歌的歌词还有很好的指导作用,不仅适合宝宝聆听学唱,更适合父母在家庭中与宝宝亲子互动。让优彼陪宝宝在快乐的韵律中一起成长吧! 儿歌歌词: 一起去郊游 - 优彼儿歌 一二三四五六七 我们开始点点名
The clock儿歌动画视频歌词内容 Hark to the sound of the wooden clock Tick tock tick tock Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bong Bong Bong Bong It's tells the time for each minute and hour Tick tock tick tock Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bong Bong Bong Bong 如需下载The clock儿歌动画视频电子版可以扫描下方二维码↓↓↓
A Good Buy原版英文小故事内容: Christopher loved to shop at thrift1 stores. Almost a month ago, he bought a popular word game that uses little chips of wood with different letters on them. As he was purchasing it, the clerk said, “Oh, look, the game box hasn’t even been opened yet! That might be worth some money.” Christopher examined the box and, sure enough, it was completely2 envel
少儿英语口语情景对话54用情不专音频+中英字幕内容 那个男人无耻地遗弃了妻儿,另寻新欢。The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman。 我女朋友在和另一个男人约会。My girlfriend is seeing another man。 你是否有别人了?Is there someone else? 你真是个花花公子。You are such a playboy。 她对男朋友不忠。She’s disloyal to her boyfriend。 你不能背叛我。You can’t betray me。 我女朋友有外遇了。My girlfriend is cheating on me。 她真是个荡妇。Sh
适合年龄 11岁左右 抓住孩子语言学习的黄金关键期 ★全套共12级,共156册图书 ★严谨科学的分级体系,轻松有效地提高儿童的英语水平 ★以故事为主导,激发儿童的英语学习兴趣 目录 《阿克巴的梦想》 《挺身站好》 《海上风暴》 《错误的话语》
鹅妈妈童谣53Little Boy Blue音频+英文歌词内容 Little Boy Blue, Come blow your horn, The sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn; But where is the boy Who looks after the sheep? He's under a haycock, Fast asleep. Will you wake him? No, not I, For if I do, He's sure to cry. 如需下载鹅妈妈童谣53Little Boy Blue音频+英文歌词电子版可以扫描下方二维码↓↓
适合年龄 0-12岁。 资源介绍 今天分享给大家的是儿童英语启蒙课程《学英语就像吃汉堡》,资源为mp4格式,共10节课,适合0-12岁孩子学习。通过学习,孩子将彻底掌握把英语从“听、说、读、写”四个方面都变成“汉堡法”和“情境法”。让英语学习就如呼吸空气一样简单。 课程目录 1.元音及元音组合大揭秘 2.元音及辅音组合的发音 3.辅音及辅音组合的发音 4.见词就切汉堡,切完能读 5.揭秘英语思维如何培养 6.三个字母的元音组合大揭秘 7.灵活作用 火眼金睛 8.从此不用背单词 9.单词意思不用背 10.小学完成初中英语的独家秘籍 课程截图
鹅妈妈童谣20Mary Had A Little Lamb音频+中英文档内容 Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day school one day, school one day, It
Come On And Join Into The Game儿歌动画视频歌词内容 Let everyone clap hands like me. Let everyone clap hands like me. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same. Let everyone sneeze like me, Hut-choo. Let everyone sneeze like me, Hut-choo. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same. Let everyone yawn like me, Ho. Let eve
五年级英语上册知识点归纳文档免费下载 一. 四会单词: young年轻的 funny滑稽可笑的 tall高的 strong强壮的 kind和蔼的,亲切的old年老的 short矮的 thin瘦的 who’s = who is Mr先生 like像、喜欢 what’s = what is he’s = he is principal校长 university student大学生 strict 严格的 smart聪明的、巧妙的 active积极的、活跃的 very 很、非常 but但是 quiet安静的;文静的 she’s = she is 二. 句子: 1.A:Who’s your English teacher ? 你的英语老师是谁? B
Billy Boy儿歌动画视频歌词内容 Oh where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy? 哦,你去哪里啦,比利男孩,比利男孩? Oh where have you been, charming Billy? 哦,你去哪里啦,迷人的比利? I have been to seek a wife, she’s the joy of my life. 我一直在寻找一个妻子, 她就是我生活的快乐。 She ’s a young thing and can not leave her mother. 她还如此年轻,不能离开她的妈妈。 Did she bid you to come in,
A Mad Adder原版英文小故事内容: A zoo employee was bitten by an African puff1 adder2, a large poisonous snake. He was trying to put the snake into a bag so that it could be moved to a new snake house. The snake handler was wearing heavy gloves and thick boots, but the adder sank its fangs3 into the man's neck. The handler squeezed the snake’s neck tightly, forcing it to withdraw its fangs.
Influenza原版英文小故事内容: Influenza, or the flu, attacks up to one billion people annually. In the US, it kills 20,000 annually, most of whom are children or elderly. Occasionally the flu becomes pandemic: in 1918, it killed 20 million people worldwide. The flu is a very contagious viral infection spread through the air by coughing, sneezing, or simply talking. It is not caused by getti
Everybody Knows I Love You儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:爱情病毒乐队 适合年龄:3-9岁 爱情病毒:人人都知我爱你 Everybody1 Knows I Love You 瑞士最受欢迎的摇滚天团-爱情病毒Lovebugs,红遍欧洲13国。一如许多乐团的成名故事一般,爱情病毒乐团起始于一卷录音带。主唱亚卓安(Adrian)参加歌唱比赛并进入决选,之后组团、获得发片机会。热力十足的爱情病毒乐团,终于让主流厂牌注意到他们优异的表现,先后与德国BMG、瑞士华纳签约,发行专辑,并在欧洲13国的公信榜上有着相当不错的成绩。 Artist:Lovebugs Song:Everybody Knows I Love You Tell me, baby When we first