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  • 鹅妈妈童谣06Sally Go Round The Sun音频+中英文档百度网盘免费下载
    鹅妈妈童谣06Sally Go Round The Sun音频+中英文档百度网盘免费下载

    鹅妈妈童谣06Sally Go Round The Sun音频+中英文档内容 Sally,go'round the sun. Sally,go'round the moon. Sally,go'round the chimney top, Every afternoon.Boom! 如需下载完整版可以扫描下方二维码即可免费获取鹅妈妈童谣06Sally Go Round The Sun音频+中英文档电子版↓↓↓

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • 鹅妈妈童谣40Round and round the garden音频+英文歌词百度网盘免费下载
    鹅妈妈童谣40Round and round the garden音频+英文歌词百度网盘免费下载

    鹅妈妈童谣40Round and round the garden音频+英文歌词内容 Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear. One step, two step, Tickle you under there. 如需下载鹅妈妈童谣40Round and round the garden音频+英文歌词电子版可以扫描下方二维码↓↓↓

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • 恐龙宝宝Dinofours系列绘本It's apple-picking day电子档+MP3百度云下载
    恐龙宝宝Dinofours系列绘本It's apple-picking day电子档+MP3百度云下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 资源介绍 Dinofours are busy picking apples. Based on tv show the Dinofours. 今天真是太开心了,小恐龙们在Mrs. Dee的带领下来到了一个果园,在果园主的示范下,大家都摘了自己挑选的苹果,好吃极了!大家吃好苹果,准备一起吃午餐的时候,Mrs. Dee发现,一开始就很興奮,一直在摩拳擦掌准备摘苹果的Albert居然没有听从指挥,他不见了! Mrs. Dee后来终于看到他从草丛里跑出来,严厉地批评了没有听从老师指令,让大家担心的Albert。听了老师的批评,Albert是怎么解释的呢?他为什么要离开小伙伴和老师去独自行动呢? 生活中,小朋友经常面对各种各样的集体活动。在这些活动中,老师们为了保证小朋友的安全,都会要求他们乖乖的听从指令。但是在

  • 恐龙宝宝美好生活系列绘本I'm having a bad day电子档+MP3百度云下载
    恐龙宝宝美好生活系列绘本I'm having a bad day电子档+MP3百度云下载

    适合年龄 3岁左右 资源介绍 Tracy's day gets off to a bad start when her mom forgets to give her a good-bye hug. But at school, Mrs. Dee works with the class to cheer Tracy up and make her day a happy one. 小恐龙Tracy今天过得实在太糟糕了!先是早上迷迷糊糊地被姐姐吼了一通,姐姐生气不理自己,然后又被妈妈语气不好地催促上学,妈妈也不像平时那么温柔。所以来到学校里,Tracy看每个小伙伴都不顺眼,把因为委屈产生的怒气都撒在小伙伴身上,让大家都觉得很难过。但是其他小恐龙们听完老师Mrs. Dee讲述原因之后,并没有远离Tracy,而是努力地想让她开心起来。他

  • Deck The Halls儿童节日歌曲背单词MP3音频免费下载
    Deck The Halls儿童节日歌曲背单词MP3音频免费下载

    Deck The Halls儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 适合年龄:3-9岁 Deck the hall with boughs1 of holly2, Fa la la la la la, la la la la. Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la, la la la la la la Don we now our gay apparel, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, Fa la la la la la, la la la la. See the blazing Yule before us, Fa

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • 少儿英语游戏设计方案文档资源免费下载

    少儿英语游戏设计方案文档资源免费下载 Ⅰ.Vocabulary Games(适合练习或复习各种学过的词汇) 1、Say(Do) And Guess 出示单词卡片给一名学生,由他用简单的英语把卡片上的东西描述出来,另一名学生来猜。如:I can see something yellow, we can eat it ,it’s long, it grows on the tree (banana).这种方式适合有一定基础年龄较大的儿童进行。年龄较小的幼儿可以用表演的方式表现看到的词,另一个幼儿来猜。该游戏可以分成两队比赛进行,每队一人猜,其余几人说或表演,以最快速度猜出所有单词的队获胜。 2、Head And Tummy 该游戏适用于学习有对比关系的单词(如big small, tall short等),或比较单复

  • I Still Believe In Love歌曲音频+中英歌词百度网盘免费下载
    I Still Believe In Love歌曲音频+中英歌词百度网盘免费下载

    I Still Believe In Love我仍然爱你歌词内容(中英文对照) 英文歌词: It was a clear summer day when I saw the tears on your face I knew that our time was up on us Our moment of end was so fast but the kiss of goodbye always lasts not even time could fade it away Even though you are no longer here there is still something between us Even though life isn't fai

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • 迪斯尼歌曲-A Bicycle Built for two儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载
    迪斯尼歌曲-A Bicycle Built for two儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载

    迪斯尼歌曲-A Bicycle Built for two儿童英语歌曲内容: 迪斯尼歌曲:A Bicycle Built for two Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do I am half crazy, all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish1 marriage,I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat, of a bicycle built for two. 1 stylish adj.流行的,时髦的;漂亮的,气派的 参考例句: He's a stylish dresser.他是个穿着很有格调的人

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • 英语口语8000句02享受余暇时间音频+中英文对照文档百度网盘免费下载

    英语口语8000句02享受余暇时间音频+中英文对照文档部分内容 享受余暇时间 ●邀请友人 这个周末你有空吗? Are you free this weekend? *free“有空,空闲”。 Are you free this weekend? (这个周末你有空吗?) Yes, I am. (嗯,有空。) *回答no时,用“No, I have plans.”(不,我有安排。) “No, I'm going skiing.” (不,我要去滑雪。) 我们还可以再见面吗? Could I see you again? 能给我你的电话号码吗? Could you give me your phone number? 我们在哪儿见面? Where

  • The Hokey Pokey 变戏法儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载
    The Hokey Pokey 变戏法儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载

    The Hokey Pokey 变戏法儿童英语歌曲内容: 中英歌词: You put your right hand in. 你把右手放进去. You put your right hand out. 你把右手拿出来. You put your right hand in. 你把右手放进去. And you shake it all about. 然后再摇一摇. You do the hokey pokey, 你变一个戏法, and you turn yourself around. 自己转一个身. That’s what it’s all about. 哈!就是这样了! You put you

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • Bad Dreams英语简短小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Bad Dreams英语简短小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Bad Dreams英语简短小故事内容: “I had another bad dream,” she told her fiancé. “It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet we

  • 《Pull up a Blanket》绘本故事音频资源下载
    《Pull up a Blanket》绘本故事音频资源下载

    适合年龄: 2岁以上 资源介绍: 本文给大家分享的是甜心英语《Pull up a Blanket》绘本音频资源,mp3格式的,直接下载到百度网盘即可查看。 甜心英语是市面上比较火的一套英语启蒙读物。如果能读熟这套书,基本上可以掌握大部分日常生活用语。这套书的阅读技巧比较难,很考验妈妈拓展阅读绘本的能力。 《Honey English甜心英语英文原版绘本》全套涉及到的方面非常广泛。生活习惯,情感交流,人际交往,逻辑思维,安全教育,数学图形等等各种知识全部都覆盖了。 绘本简介: 《Pull up a Blanket》这本绘本以有趣又可爱的情境切入,自带道具(blanket)让宝贝参与其中作为整本绘本的主角,重复cover with a blanket这一温暖的举动给宝贝传达生活中的一

  • What’s in the Box?原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    What’s in the Box?原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    What’s in the Box?原版英文小故事内容: Perry’s 32nd birthday was today. His wife, Amanda, had promised him something special. Perry couldn’t imagine what it might be. He already had everything he needed or wanted. Whatever she was going to give him, it was definitely1 going to be a surprise. She had not asked him whether he wanted anything, and he had not dropped any hints2 suggesting that

  • Are You Busy Friday Night?原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Are You Busy Friday Night?原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Are You Busy Friday Night?原版英文小故事内容: One night a motorcyclist crashed into a bridge. The rider was on his way home from a party. Traveling at about 70 mph on the unlit, two-lane road, he lost control on a curve. He lay next to his motorcycle for 20 minutes before a passerby1 noticed the wreckage2. A half hour later, the rider was lying on a gurney in the local hospital. Moan

    标签: 儿歌早教
  • 小学生记英语单词的方法和技巧文档资源免费下载

    小学生记英语单词的方法和技巧文档资源免费下载 一、直观记忆 eye(眼睛) see(看见) look(看)中的ee及oo均表示“眼睛”。 banana(香蕉)中的a,a, a,均表示香蕉一瓣瓣的“果实”。 bird(鸟)中的b和d表示鸟的两中“翅膀”。 二、象声记忆 人们根据门窗撞击的声音而创造出:open﹝5EupEn﹞开 人们根据咳嗽的声音而创造出:cough﹝kC:f﹞咳嗽 人们根据铃声的声音而创造出:bell﹝bel ﹞铃 三、分解单词记忆 area(地区)分解成are(是)和a island(岛)分解成is(是)和land(陆地) owe(欠债)分解成o和we

  • Learning to Share原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Learning to Share原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Learning to Share原版英文小故事内容: The seal population just south of Monterey, California, is making life difficult for the surfer population. There have been several incidents in the past month of surfers being bitten or attacked by seals. Scientists think it is merely a result of overcrowding. Over the past 10 years, the seals have made “their” beach bigger to suit their growing popula

  • The Ant and the Elephant原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    The Ant and the Elephant原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    The Ant and the Elephant原版英文小故事内容: Let’s say that you could combine, into one super brain, 100 of the best minds in the history of mankind. Would that super-intelligent brain be able to fully1 appreciate all the wonders of the universe? Probably not. The universe is simply too big, too wondrous2, too fantastic for humans. Imagine an ant crawling all over an elephant. That ant has

  • 我的第一套自然拼读故事书Now I am Reading Step 6PDF免费下载
    我的第一套自然拼读故事书Now I am Reading Step 6PDF免费下载

    Step6. 自然拼音法读物:美食来袭 与Step5如出一辙,前五个小故事每本书分别侧重于长元音a,e,i,o,u的发音,后五个小故事每本书分别侧重于a,e,i,o,u作为长元音和短元音的发音,故事同样丰富有趣, 并增加了新的词汇,有助于进一步巩固对发音规律的感知。 内容设计: 1. 每个阶梯包括十个简单易读而又妙趣横生的小故事,每个故事都有一个主角和完整的情节,让孩子形成阅读“故事”的概念。 2. 每本书中的句子都由一连串发音规律相同的单词组成,在整本书中反复出现,能够起到不断加深印象的作用。 3. 故事的叙述语言采取搭积木的方式,从一两个单词开始,过渡到词组和短句,然后延展为较长的句子。 4. 生动有趣的插图一方面能够吸引孩子的阅读兴趣,另一方面可以提供理解故事情节的线索,让孩子读起

  • Red Flowers原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载
    Red Flowers原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

    Red Flowers原版英文小故事内容: “What are these flowers doing here?” Anita asked as she was about to sit in the car’s passenger seat. The towel that covered the leather seat had a couple of small red flowers sitting in a crease. The flowers appeared as she straightened out the towel before she sat down. She always straightened out the towel before sitting down, because Logan sometimes left

  • The doll of clay 泥娃娃儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载
    The doll of clay 泥娃娃儿童英语歌曲MP3音频免费下载

    The doll of clay 泥娃娃儿童英语歌曲内容: The doll of clay, the doll of clay. She’s a doll of clay. She has got eyebrows1.She has got blue eyes which cannot wink2. The doll of clay, the doll of clay. She’s a doll of clay. She has got a nose. She has got a mouth which cannot speak. She’s but a doll of clay. She’s not a living doll. She has got no loving Papa, no loving Mama.

    标签: 儿歌早教